Exploration Sessions
Thursdays, 4:30-5:30pm, in ARC 147
Each week we will offer a different opportunity to explore extra topics in computer science. You will accumulate one "exploration point" for each week that you attend the lecture. At the end of the quarter, your total exploration points will be divided by 3 and will be added to your homework points. There will be approximately 150 homework points total, so this isn't adding a lot to your potential score. As an example, if you were to participate in 3 exploration sessions, you would have 1 point added to your homework points, which is like getting one more point on a weekly programming assignment. The idea is to give people a small reward, but not something that is so large that people feel obligated to participate in these optional sessions. You can get fractions of a point (e.g., getting two-thirds of a point for attending 2 sessions).
Please come prepared to listen to and ask questions of the guest speaker. We have a strict no-laptop policy in these sessions. If you are using a laptop, you will be asked to put it away or leave.
This schedule is subject to change. We will send an announcement email the day before each session with information about the topic for that session.
Week 9: Program Management - Thursday, November 21st from 4:30-5:20 in ARC 147
Speaker: Britt Henderson
- What is project management and how is it useful? What can project management look like in extra-curricular? And what can project management look like in industry? Join CSE Student and Microsoft Project Manager Britt Henderson for the last exploration session of the quarter on the topic of Project Management!
Week 8: Programming Languages - Thursday, November 14th from 4:30-5:20 in ARC 147
Speaker: Omar Ibrahim
- We have been learning Java, but there are so many other programming languages out there! What makes these languages different? Why use one over the other? And how far can programming languages push the limits of computing? Join us tomorrow for an exploration of several different programming languages and what makes them special.
- Recording
- Esolang Wiki
- BF Interpreter
- Hello World in BF
- Hello World in Shakespeare
Week 7: Web Programming - Thursday, November 7 from 4:30-5:20 in ARC 147
Speaker: Lauren Bricker
- What is a web page really? How does a page get from some nebulous "cloud" computer on the internet to your machine? What does it mean to "style" a page and why would we want to anyway? Come learn the basics of how to start a web page with Style and how to publish a page on the UW student server. Note: This exploration session will expect you to actively engage and participate.
- Recording
- Slides
- Starter Pen
Week 6: No exploration session this week
Week 5: No exploration session this week
Week 4: CS Experience Student Q/A Panel - Thursday October 17th from 4:30-5:30 in ARC 147
Speakers: Various CSE Students
- We will have a panel of students (former/current TAs, researchers, CS majors, etc.) who will speak on their experience with Computer Science. We will hear about what they have done here at UW, research they have gotten involved in, internships they have done and more. Not long ago these students were taking the introductory programming series themselves. This is a great opportunity to ask some questions you may have or to seek some advice!
- Recording
Week 3: What is a Computer? - Thursday, October 10th from 4:30-5:20 in ARC 147
Speaker: Omar Ibrahim
- Computers have invaded every corner of our lives -- you probably have a personal computer, and you almost certainly have a smartphone in your pocket. But have you ever stopped to think about what a computer actually is? What differentiates a computer from other types of machines? We'll talk about the formal definition of a computer, and why computer scientists are interested in these questions.
- Slides
- Surprising Turing Completeness
- JFLAP Turing Machine Simulator
- Explanation of Halting Problem Proof
Week 2: Chaos in Computing - Thursday, October 3rd from 4:30-5:20 in ARC 147
Speaker: Alissa Adornato