// A program to demonstrate the usage of return values by calculating // various baseball statistics. // // This version of the program has been modified to take user input for // the values needed to calculate each statistic. import java.util.*; public class BaseballStats2 { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner console = new Scanner(System.in); pitcher(console); batter(console); } // Calculate and print out statistics for a pitcher based on // user input. // // Scanner console - Scanner from which to take input public static void pitcher(Scanner console) { System.out.print("Number of innings pitched? "); double innings = console.nextDouble(); System.out.print("Number of earned runs allowed? "); int earnedRuns = console.nextInt(); double era = earnedRunAverage(innings, earnedRuns); System.out.println("ERA: " + roundN(era, 2)); System.out.println(); } // Calculate and print out statistics for a batter based on // user input. // // Scanner console - Scanner from which to take input public static void batter(Scanner console) { System.out.print("Number of at bats? "); int atBats = console.nextInt(); System.out.print("Number of singles? "); int singles = console.nextInt(); System.out.print("Number of doubles? "); int doubles = console.nextInt(); System.out.print("Number of triples? "); int triples = console.nextInt(); System.out.print("Number of home runs? "); int homers = console.nextInt(); double average = battingAverage((singles + doubles + triples + homers), atBats); double slugging = sluggingPercentage(atBats, singles, doubles, triples, homers); System.out.println("batting average: " + roundN(average, 3)); System.out.println("slugging percentage: " + roundN(slugging, 3)); } // Calculates and returns a pitcher's earned run average (ERA). // ERA is defined as (earned runs allowed) / (innings pitched) * 9 // // double innings - number of innings pitched // int earnedRuns - number of earned runs allowed public static double earnedRunAverage(double innings, int earnedRuns) { double runsPerInning = earnedRuns / innings; double era = runsPerInning * 9; return era; } // Calculates and returns a batter's batting average. // Batting average is defined as (hits) / (at bats) // // int hits - number of hits achieved // int at bats - number of official at bats accrued public static double battingAverage(int hits, int atBats) { return (double)hits / atBats; } // Calculates and returns a batter's slugging percentage from the number of // singles, double, triples, and home runs the batter has hit. // Slugging percentage is defined as (total bases from hits) / (at bats) // // int atBats - number of official at bats accrued // int singles - number of singles hit // int doubles - number of doubles hit // int triples - number of triples hit // int homeRuns - number of home runs hit public static double sluggingPercentage(int atBats, int singles, int doubles, int triples, int homeRuns) { int bases = 0; bases += singles; bases += doubles * 2; bases += triples * 3; bases += homeRuns * 4; return (double)bases / atBats; } // Rounds a real number to 3 decimal places and returns the result. // // double num - the number to round public static double round3(double num) { return (int)(num * 1000 + 0.5) / 1000.0; } // Rounds a real number to a specified number of decimal places and // returns the result. // // double num - the number to round // int places - the number of decimal places to round to public static double roundN(double num, int places) { return (int)(num * Math.pow(10, places) + 0.5) / (Math.pow(10, places)); } }