Exploration Sessions
Thursdays, 4:30-5:20pm, in GUG 220
Each week we will offer a different opportunity to explore extra topics in
computer science. You will accumulate one "exploration
point" for each week that you attend the lecture. At the end of the quarter,
your total exploration points will be divided by 3 and will be added to your
homework points. There will be approximately 150 homework points total, so
this isn't adding a lot to your potential score. As an example, if you were
to participate in 3 exploration sessions, you would have 1 point added to
your homework points, which is like getting one more point on a weekly
programming assignment. The idea is to give people a small reward, but not
something that is so large that people feel obligated to participate in these
optional sessions. You can get fractions of a point (e.g., getting
two-thirds of a point for attending 2 sessions).
Please come prepared to listen to and ask questions of the guest speaker.
We have a strict no-laptop policy in these sessions. If you are using
a laptop, you will be asked to put it away or leave.
This schedule is subject to change. We will send an announcement email
the day before each session with information about the topic for that
Week 9: Physical Computing, Christine Betts - Thursday, May 25 from 4:30-5:20 in GUG 220
So you've got some Java programming under your belt and can write
awesome programs to interact with on your computer, but what about
interacting with the outside world? We'll discuss the realm of
physical computing and hardware with the Raspberry Pi and Arduino
along with an introduction to working with circuits and breadboards.
Recording (audio problems, sorry!)
- Supplemental Page
Week 8: Artificial Intelligence, Max Forbes - Thursday, May 18 from 4:30-5:20 in GUG 220
What is intelligence? How would you go about making an artificial
intelligence (AI)? Join us as we explore these questions, examine an
example artificial intelligence algorithm, and let it loose on a small
Pac-Man grid. Along the way, we'll take a leisurely tour across the
diverse and expanding field of artificial intelligence.
Week 7: The Command-Line Interface - Thursday, May 11 from 4:30-5:20 in GUG 220
Most of us use our computers graphically, using a pointer to
manipulate visual elements on the screen. However, you may have
noticed that programmers often instead interact with their computers
textually, using the command line. We'll talk very briefly about why
this is, and go through a crash course in a common command line
environment known as "bash" (available on Mac, Linux, and Windows).
- Check out CSE 391 for a much deeper look at this!
Week 5: History of Electronic Surveillance in the US - Thursday, April 27 from 4:30-5:20 in GUG 220
In recent years, there's been a lot of talk about mass surveillance
and the Snowden disclosures. But surveillance of private electronic
communications in the United States is nothing new. In this session,
we'll discuss its history, from the 19th century to today, and look at
how legal, social, and technological attitudes towards it have changed
over that time.
Week 4: Car Hacking, Karl Koscher - Thursday, April 20 from 4:30-5:20 in GUG 220
Did you know that the typical modern car has over a dozen computers inside? Have you ever thought about whether people might be able to hack in to these computers, or what might happen if they do? In this talk, I'll describe our multi-year research project that answered these questions and more. First, I'll describe what an attacker can do with access to a car's internal network. Then, I'll explain how someone might be able to break in to these networks remotely. This talk will feature several videos demonstrating our attacks and conclude with a short discussion about the impact this research has had.
Week 3: What is the Internet? - Thursday, April 13 from 4:30-5:20 in GUG 220
As former senator Ted Stevens once famously said, the internet is not a
big truck -- it's a series of tubes. What do those tubes look like? What
can we put through them? Who owns them? Where are they located? In this
session, we will learn the answer to these questions, and more.
- Submarine Cable Map
- Internet Maps
Week 2: What is a computer? - Thursday, April 6 from 4:30-5:20 in GUG 220
- Computers have invaded every corner of our lives -- you probably have a personal computer, and you almost certainly have a smartphone in your pocket. But have you ever stopped to think about what a computer actually is? What differentiates a computer from other types of machines? We'll talk about the formal definition of a computer, and why computer scientists are interested in these questions.
- Surprising Turing Completeness
- JFLAP (turing machine simulator)
Week 1: No session
- First week of the quarter!