University of Washington, CSE 142

Lab 5-5: midterm practice

Except where otherwise noted, the contents of this document are Copyright 2013 Stuart Reges and Marty Stepp.

lab document created by Marty Stepp, Stuart Reges and Whitaker Brand

Basic lab instructions

Today's lab

Goals for today:

Exercise : Expressions practice-it

For each expression in the left-hand column, indicate its value in the right-hand column. Be sure to list a constant of appropriate type (e.g., 7.0 rather than 7 for a double, Strings in quotes).

12/5 + 8/4
2.5 * 2 + 17/4
41 % 15 % 7 + 17 % 3
21/2 + "7 % 3" + 17 % 4
"107 % 31"
46/3/2.0/3 * 4/5

These expressions are also available as exercises in Practicum!

Exercise : Parameter Mystery

(Review this type of problem in lab 3!) Fill in the boxes with the output that each method call produces:

public static void main(String[] args) {
    String hear = "bad";
    String song = "good";
    String good = "hear";
    String walk = "talk";
    String talk = "feel";
    String feel = "walk";
    claim(feel, song, feel);       // to walk the walk is good
    claim(good, hear, song);       // to hear the good is bad
    claim(talk, "song", feel);     // to feel the walk is song
    claim("claim", talk, walk);    // to claim the talk is feel
public static void claim(String hear, String good, String song) {
    System.out.println("to " + hear + " the " + song + " is " + good);

Exercise : if/else mystery practice-it

Consider the following Java code.

public static void ifElseMystery(int a, int b) {
    if (a < b) {
        a = a * 2;
    if (a > b) {
        a = a - 10;
    } else {
    System.out.println(a + " " + b);

Fill in the boxes with the output produced by each of the method calls.

ifElseMystery(10, 3);
0 3
ifElseMystery(6, 6);
6 7
ifElseMystery(3, 4);
-4 4
ifElseMystery(4, 20);
8 21

These if/else problems are also available as exercises in Practicum!

Exercise : while loop mystery

Fill in the boxes at right with the output produced by each method call. (Review how to do this type of problem in lab 5!)

public static void mystery4(int n) {
    int x = 1;
    int y = 2;
    while (y < n) {
        if (n % y == 0) {
            n = n / y;
        } else {
    System.out.println(x + " " + n);
1 2
1 5
4 3
3 7

Exercise : assertions practice-it

Write always/never/sometimes true at each point. If unsure how to, check out the assertions tutorial!

x > y z == 0 x == y
public static void mystery(int x, int y) {
    int z = 0;

    // Point A
    while (x != y) {
        // Point B
        if (x > y) {
            // Point C
            x = x / 10;
        } else {
            // Point D
            y = y / 10;

    // Point E
    System.out.println(x + " " + y + " " + z);

You can also solve this problem in Practice-It by clicking on the check-mark above.

Exercise : makeGuesses practice-it

Write a method named makeGuesses that will output random numbers between 1 and 50 inclusive until it outputs one of at least 48. Output each guess and the total number of guesses made. Below is a sample execution:

guess = 43
guess = 47
guess = 45
guess = 27
guess = 49
total guesses = 5

If you're not sure how make/use a Random, review them here.

Exercise : printMultiples practice-it

Write a static method called printMultiples that takes an integer n and an integer m as parameters and that prints a complete line of output reporting the first m multiples of n. For example, the following calls:

printMultiples(3, 5);
printMultiples(7, 3);
should produce this output:
The first 5 multiples of 3 are 3, 6, 9, 12, 15
The first 3 multiples of 7 are 7, 14, 21

Notice that the multiples are separated by commas. You are to exactly reproduce this format. Also notice the order of the parameters: the first parameter is the base number and the second parameter is the number of multiples to generate.

You may assume that the number of multiples you will be asked to generate is greater than or equal to one.

Solve this problem in Practice-It by clicking on the check-mark above.

Exercise : digitsInARow practice-it

Write a static method called digitsInARow that takes an integer n as a parameter and that returns the highest number of digits that appear in a row in the base-10 representation of n. For many numbers the answer will be 1 because they don't have adjacent digits that match. But for a number like 3555585, the answer is 4 because there are four occurrences of the digit 5 that appear in a row. Below are sample calls on the method.

Method                  Value          Method                  Value
 Call                  Returned         Call                  Returned
-------------------------------        -------------------------------
digitsInARow(0)           1            digitsInARow(8823)        2
digitsInARow(18)          1            digitsInARow(777)         3
digitsInARow(394)         1            digitsInARow(82888)       3
digitsInARow(99)          2            digitsInARow(7111171)     4
digitsInARow(8229)        2            digitsInARow(233333888)   5

You are not allowed to use a string to solve this problem. You may assume that the value passed to the method is greater than or equal to 0.

Hint: You can pull apart a number into its digits using / 10 and % 10.

Solve this problem in Practice-It by clicking on the check-mark above.

Exercise : allDigitsOdd practice-it

Write a method named allDigitsOdd that returns whether every digit of a positive integer is odd. Your method should return true if the number consists entirely of odd digits and false if any of its digits are even. 0, 2, 4, 6, and 8 are even digits, and 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 are odd digits.

For example, allDigitsOdd(135319) returns true but allDigitsOdd(9145293) returns false.

Hint: You can pull apart a number into its digits using / 10 and % 10.

Exercise : season practice-it

Exercise : firstDigit practice-it

If you finish them all...

If you finish all the exercises, try out our Practice-It web tool. It lets you solve Java problems from our Building Java Programs textbook.

You can view an exercise, type a solution, and submit it to see if you have solved it correctly.

Choose some problems from the book and try to solve them!