// This class can be used to search for places of interest near a given // location. Read the giveIntro method for more details. It depends on a file // called places.txt for the data. import java.util.*; import java.io.*; public class SearchNear { public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException { giveIntro(); Scanner input = new Scanner(new File("places.txt")); ArrayList data = readFile(input); Scanner console = new Scanner(System.in); System.out.print("target? "); PlaceInformation target = GeoCoder.findPlace(console.nextLine()); if (target == null) { System.out.println("no matches for that search string."); } else { System.out.println("found " + target.getName()); showMatches(data, console, target.getLocation()); } } // introduces the program to the user public static void giveIntro() { System.out.println("This program allows you to search for places of"); System.out.println("interest near a target location. For each"); System.out.println("search, you will be asked for a target radius,"); System.out.println("and a search string for name and tags. If you"); System.out.println("don't want to filter on name and/or tag, simply"); System.out.println("hit enter to see all results."); System.out.println(); } // Reads data from the given scanner to construct a list of // PlaceInformation objects. Assumes the data is in standard format // (tab-delimited lines with name, address, tag, latitude, longitude). public static ArrayList readFile(Scanner input) { ArrayList entries = new ArrayList(); while (input.hasNextLine()) { String line = input.nextLine(); Scanner data = new Scanner(line); data.useDelimiter("\t"); String name = data.next(); String address = data.next(); String tag = data.next(); double latitude = data.nextDouble(); double longitude = data.nextDouble(); PlaceInformation info = new PlaceInformation(name, address, tag, latitude, longitude); entries.add(info); } return entries; } // Prompts the user for a radius and search strings and shows matching // entries from data and their distance from the given target. public static void showMatches(ArrayList data, Scanner console, GeoLocation target) { double radius = 42; // not a real radius, priming the while loop while (radius > 0) { System.out.println(); System.out.print("radius (0 to quit)? "); radius = console.nextDouble(); console.nextLine(); // to skip newline characters if (radius > 0) { showEntries(data, console, target, radius); } } } // Prompts the user for search strings and shows matching entries from data // that are within the given distance of the given target. public static void showEntries(ArrayList data, Scanner console, GeoLocation target, double radius) { System.out.print("name filter (enter for none)? "); String nameFilter = console.nextLine(); System.out.print("tag filter (enter for none)? " ); String tagFilter = console.nextLine(); for (PlaceInformation entry : data) { boolean nameMatch = match(entry.getName(), nameFilter); boolean tagMatch = match(entry.getTag(), tagFilter); if (nameMatch && tagMatch) { double distance = entry.distanceFrom(target); if (distance <= radius) { System.out.printf("%.1f miles: %s %s\n", distance, entry.getName(), entry.getAddress()); } } } } // returns true if the bigger string contains the smaller string ignoring // case public static boolean match(String big, String small) { return big.toLowerCase().contains(small.toLowerCase()); } }