
Category: Line-Based File Processing
Author: Stuart Reges
Book Chapter: 6.3
Problem: analyzeParagraphs
  Write a static method called
   analyzeParagraphs that takes as a parameter a Scanner containing a text file
   and that produces output that describes the paragraph structure of the file,
   returning the maximum number of lines in any given paragraph.  Each
   paragraph in the input file will be terminated by the text "" on a line
   by itself.  For example, consider the following input file:

        This is an example of an input file
        with four different paragraphs.
        The second paragraph is the longest
        with three lines, so your method should
        return 3 when processing this file.
        The third paragraph was empty.  This one is just short.

   The method should count the number of lines in each paragraph and report
   that information to System.out.  For example, if the input above is stored
   in a Scanner called input and we make the following call:

        int max = analyzeParagraphs(input);

   It should produce the following output:

        2-line paragraph
        3-line paragraph
        0-line paragraph
        1-line paragraph

   It would assign max the value 3 because the method returns the maximum
   number of lines in any given paragraph.  You must exactly reproduce the
   format of this output.  You may assume that the input file has no blank
   lines, that it contains at least one paragraph, and that each paragraph is
   terminated by a line containing just "".