Category: Line-Based File Processing
Author: Stuart Reges
Book Chapter: 6.3
Problem: reportBlankLines
Write a static method reportBlankLines that takes a Scanner containing an input file as a parameter and that reports to System.out the line numbers of any blank lines and that reports the total number of blank lines in the file. For example, given the following input file: Remember that a file can have blank lines like the one below: A blank line: is read as a String of length 0 by Scanner Your method should print the following output: line 4 is blank line 6 is blank line 9 is blank total blank lines = 3 Notice that each blank line produces a line of output and that there is a final line of output reporting the total number of blank lines. Also notice that lines are numbered starting with 1 (first line is line 1, second line is line 2, and so on). You are to exactly reproduce the format of this output. Write your solution to reportBlankLines below.