Category: Programming
Author: Stuart Reges
Book Chapter: 5.3
Problem: before
Write a method before that takes as parameters two month/day combinations and that returns whether or not the first date comes before the second date (true if the first month/day comes before the second month/day, false if it does not). The method will take four integers as parameters that represent the two month/day combinations. The first integer in each pair represents the month and will be a value between 1 and 12 (1 for January, 2 for February, etc, up to 12 for December). The second integer in each pair represents the day of the month (a value between 1 and 31). One date is considered to come before another if it comes earlier in the year. For example, the call: before(6, 3, 9, 20) should return true because June 3rd (6/3) comes before September 20th (9/20). By contrast, the call: before(10, 1, 2, 25) should return false because October 1st (10/1) comes after February 25th (2/25). If the same date is passed twice, your method should return false. For example: before(8, 15, 8, 15) should return false because August 15th (8/15) does not come before August 15th (8/15). You may assume that your method is passed values that represent legal dates. Write your solution to before below.