Problems: Problem 1 : 2 * 1.5 + 7 / 2 Problem 2 : 13 % 5 + 10 % 3 Problem 3 : 2 + 1 + "=" + 2 + 1 Key: Problem 1 : 6.0 Problem 2 : 4 Problem 3 : "3=21" Explanation of scores: 0 - Your answer for this problem was incorrect. Try the expressions problem again, and ask your TA if you are still unsure about how to solve expressions problems. Also, Practicum has lots of expressions problems that you can practice at 1 - Your answer for this problem was correct, except that you didn't give the answer with the proper type. Be sure to include quotes around String literals ( "3=21" instead of 3=21 ) and to include the decimal on double literals ( 6.0 instead of 6 ) 2 - Your answer was correct. Keep up the good work!