# This file, with a .py extension, contains a python program from math import * def hello(): print "-----------------------------------------------------" print "Welcome to the Python Exploration session.","We hope you enjoy the class." print "-----------------------------------------------------" print "\n" # print a newline to create a blank line #hello() #print ".... Let's say that again... \n" #hello() def bmiFor (weight,height): return weight / pow(height, 2) * 703 #Let's write a code that will allow us to calculate the BMI def getBMI (): print "Enter next person's information:" height = input("height (in inches)? ") weight = input("weight (in pounds)? ") return bmiFor(weight, height) #note bmi is double def getStatus(bmi): if (bmi < 18.5): return "underweight" elif (bmi < 25) : return "normal" elif (bmi < 30): return "overweight" else: return "obese" def main(): bmi1 = getBMI() bmi2 = getBMI() status1 = getStatus(bmi1); status2 = getStatus(bmi2); def round(value, digits): return round(value * pow(10, digits)) / pow(10, digits);