Lab Homework 1

You are to complete this homework before attending the second lab. You will need to use static methods, which will be discussed in Wednesday's lecture. Completing this will help you on the homework assignment, so it would be best to work on this problem first.

You are to complete programming exercise #13 from chapter 1 which is available in PracticeIt using this link. You are asked to write a program that produces 1000 lines of output that all say:

    All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
You could write a program with 1000 println statements, but your task is to figure out how to use static methods to write a shorter program. As a hint, consider the fact that 1000 is equal to 10 times 10 times 10. If you want a challenge, try to figure out how to solve the problem with the shortest program possible but using only chapter 1 material (methods, println).

Don't spend too much time trying to figure this out. Remember that for your lab assignments, you are encouraged to talk to other students and to share ideas. You can even show each other how you solved the problem, although you have to type up your own solution. For the course assignments, you have to work individually. But for these warm-up exercises, you are encouraged to help each other. You can also ask your TA for help if you need it.

You should name your program and you should turn it in using the turnin link on the labs page.