<< your haiku intro message here >> I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 100... Your guess? 50 It's higher. Your guess? 75 It's lower. Your guess? 60 It's higher. Your guess? 65 It's lower. Your guess? 62 You guessed it in 5 guesses! Play again? yEs! I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 100... Your guess? 28 You guessed it in 1 guess! Play again? YAY I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 100... Your guess? 50 It's higher. Your guess? 75 It's lower. Your guess? 60 It's lower. Your guess? 55 It's higher. Your guess? 58 You guessed it in 5 guesses! Play again? nah Your overall results: Total games = 3 Total guesses = 11 Guesses/game = 3.7 Best game = 1