CSE142—Computer Programming I

Sample Movie Programs

This handout has 3 similar programs that process imdb.txt, which has lines like:

  8 169931 8.8 One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975)
 9 85454 8.8 12 Angry Men (1957)
 10 230925 8.8 Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
 11 140486 8.8 Casablanca (1942)

Each version prompts for a phrase, finds all lines containing that phrase and presents information about those lines.  Version 1 produces text output, but is bad style because it uses “method chaining.”  Version 2 has the same external behavior as Version 1 but is good style.  Version 3 produces graphical output where bars show each movie’s popularity.  Version 3 is closest to Homework 6, where you also process a file to produce a bar chart.

The third version does not produce a DrawingPanel unless there is at least one match.  It produces output like the following:

Search word: part

4 matches.



Version 1: Bad Style Due to Method Chaining


// Displays IMDB's Top 250 movies that match a search string.

import java.io.*;     // for File

import java.util.*;   // for Scanner


public class MoviesChaining {

  public static String MOVIE_FILE = "imdb.txt";


  public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException {




  // Asks the user for their search word and returns it.

  public static void getWord() throws FileNotFoundException {

    System.out.print("Search word: ");

    Scanner console = new Scanner(System.in);

    String searchWord = console.next();

    searchWord = searchWord.toLowerCase();



    Scanner input = new Scanner(new File(MOVIE_FILE));

    search(input, searchWord);



//Breaks apart each line, looking for lines that match the search word.

  public static void search(Scanner input, String searchWord) {

    int matches = 0;

    while (input.hasNextLine()) {

      String line = input.nextLine();

      String lineLC = line.toLowerCase();     // case-insensitive match

      if (lineLC.indexOf(searchWord) >= 0) {


        if(matches == 1) {






     System.out.println(matches + " matches.");



   // Displays the line in the proper format on the screen.

   public static void display(String line) {

     Scanner lineScan = new Scanner(line);

     int rank = lineScan.nextInt();

     int votes = lineScan.nextInt();

     double rating = lineScan.nextDouble();

     String title = "";

     while (lineScan.hasNext()) {

       title += lineScan.next() + " ";    // the rest of the line


     System.out.println(rank + "\t" + rating + "\t" + votes + "\t"

                         + title);



Version 2: Good style with text output


public class MoviesTextOutput {

  public static String MOVIE_FILE = "imdb.txt";


  public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException {

    String searchWord = getWord();

    Scanner input = new Scanner(new File(MOVIE_FILE));

    String line = search(input, searchWord);


    int matches = 0;

    if (line.length() > 0) {


       while (line.length() > 0) {



           line = search(input, searchWord);




     System.out.println(matches + " matches.");



   // Asks the user for their search word and returns it.

   public static String getWord() {

     System.out.print("Search word: ");

     Scanner console = new Scanner(System.in);

     String searchWord = console.next();

     searchWord = searchWord.toLowerCase();


     return searchWord;



   // Breaks apart each line, looking for lines that match the search word.

   public static String search(Scanner input, String searchWord) {

     while (input.hasNextLine()) {

       String line = input.nextLine();

       String lineLC = line.toLowerCase();     // case-insensitive match

       if (lineLC.indexOf(searchWord) >= 0) {

         return line;



     return "";   // not found



   // Displays the line in the proper format on the screen.

   public static void display(String line) {

     Scanner lineScan = new Scanner(line);

     int rank = lineScan.nextInt();

     int votes = lineScan.nextInt();

     double rating = lineScan.nextDouble();

     String title = "";

     while (lineScan.hasNext()) {

       title += lineScan.next() + " ";    // the rest of the line


     System.out.println(rank + "\t" + rating + "\t" + votes + "\t" + title);




Version 3: Graphical output (import statements elided to fit on a page)


public class MoviesGraphical {

  public static String MOVIE_FILE = "imdb.txt";


  public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException {

    String searchWord = getWord();

    Scanner input = new Scanner(new File(MOVIE_FILE));

    String line = search(input, searchWord);

    int matches = 0;

    if (line.length() > 0) {

      Graphics g = createWindow();

      while (line.length() > 0) {


        display(g, line, matches);

        line = search(input, searchWord);



     System.out.println(matches + " matches.");



   // Asks the user for their search word and returns it.

   public static String getWord() {

     System.out.print("Search word: ");

     Scanner console = new Scanner(System.in);

     String searchWord = console.next();

     searchWord = searchWord.toLowerCase();


     return searchWord;



   //Breaks apart each line, looking for lines that match

   public static String search(Scanner input, String searchWord) {

     while (input.hasNextLine()) {

       String line = input.nextLine();

       String lineLC = line.toLowerCase();    // case-insensitive match

         if (lineLC.indexOf(searchWord) >= 0) {

           return line;



     return "";   // not found



   // Displays the line in the proper format on the screen.

   public static void display(Graphics g, String line, int matches) {

     Scanner lineScan = new Scanner(line);

     int rank = lineScan.nextInt();

     int votes = lineScan.nextInt();

     double rating = lineScan.nextDouble();

     String title = "";

     while (lineScan.hasNext()) {

       title += lineScan.next() + " ";    // the rest of the line


     drawBar(g, matches, title, rank, rating);



   // Creates a drawing panel and draws all fixed graphics.

   public static Graphics createWindow() {

     DrawingPanel panel = new DrawingPanel(600, 500);

     Graphics g = panel.getGraphics();

     for (int i = 0; i <= 10; i++) {      // draw tick marks

       int x = i * 50;

       g.drawLine(x, 20, x, 30);

       g.drawString(i + ".0", x, 20);


     return g;



   // Draws one red bar representing a movie's votes and ranking.

   public static void drawBar(Graphics g, int matches, String title, int rank, double rating) {

     int y = 70 + 100 * (matches - 1);

     int w = (int) (rating * 50);

     int h = 50;

     g.setColor(Color.BLUE);   // draw the blue bar for that movie

     g.fillRect(0, y, w, h);


     g.drawString("#" + rank + ": " + title, 0, y);

