Key to CSE142 Sample Midterm #2

1.      Expression                              Value
        3 * (5 - 2) - 3 - 2 * 2                2
        4 * 7 % 8 + 132 % 10 + 3 % 4           9
        27 / 5 / 2 + 3.4 * 2 - 1.1 * 2         6.6
        9 + 9 + "9 + 9" + 9 + 9                "189 + 999"
        19 / 2 / 2.0 + 2.5 * 6 / 2 + 0.5 * 4   14.0

2. Parameter Mystery.  The program produces the following output.

        she can't take she with her
        it can't take her with you
        you can't take it with you
        fred can't take her with him

3.      Method Call             Output Produced
        ifElseMystery(4, 15);   15 18
        ifElseMystery(7, 17);   27 10
        ifElseMystery(12, 5);   15 10
        ifElseMystery(16, 8);   28 2

4.      Method Call             Output Produced
        mystery(1);                   1
        mystery(3);                   2
        mystery(5);                   5
        mystery(7);                   13

5.                   n == 0            n % 2 == 1              x == 0
    Point A | sometimes           | sometimes           | always              |
    Point B | never               | sometimes           | sometimes           |
    Point C | never               | always              | never               |
    Point D | sometimes           | sometimes           | sometimes           |
    Point E | always              | never               | sometimes           |

6. One possible solution appears below.

        public static int quadrant(double x, double y) {
            if (x > 0 && y > 0) {
                return 1;
            } else if (x < 0 && y > 0) {
                return 2;
            } else if (x < 0 && y < 0) {
                return 3;
            } else if (x > 0 && y < 0) {
                return 4;
            } else {  // at least one equals 0
                return 0;

7. One possible solution appears below.

        public static void printTwoDigit(Random r, int n) {
            boolean seen42 = false;
            for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
                int number = r.nextInt(90) + 10;
                System.out.println("next = " + number);
                if (number == 42) {
                    seen42 = true;
            if (seen42) {
                System.out.println("We saw a 42");
            } else  {
                System.out.println("no 42");

8. One possible solution appears below.

        public static int digitsInARow(int n) {
            int count = 1;
            int last = -1;
            int max = 1;
            while (n > 0) {
                if (n % 10 == last) {
                } else {
                    count = 1;
                if (count > max) {
                    max = count;
                last = n % 10;
                n = n / 10;
            return max;