import atexit import sys import time # python3.0 uses "tkinter," python2.x uses "Tkinter." # detect version info and import appropriate graphics # code added by TA Steve Geluso if (sys.version_info >= (3,0)): from tkinter import * else: from Tkinter import * ''' A DrawingPanel object represents a simple interface for creating graphical windows in Python. Author : Marty Stepp (stepp AT cs.washington) Version: 2009/10/21 ''' class DrawingPanel(Tk): ''' Constructs a panel of a given width, height, and optional background color. Keyword arguments: width -- width of the DrawingPanel in pixels (default 500) height -- height of the DrawingPanel in pixels (default 500) background -- background color of the DrawingPanel (default "white") ''' def __init__(self, width=500, height=500, background="white"): Tk.__init__(self) self.width = width self.height = height self.title("DrawingPanel") self.canvas = Canvas(self, width = width + 1, height = height + 1) self.canvas["bg"] = background self.canvas.pack({"side": "top"}) self.wm_resizable(0, 0) self.update() # hack - runs mainloop on exit if not interactive if not hasattr(sys, 'ps1'): self.install_mainloop_hack() def install_mainloop_hack(self): # for everything but idle atexit.register(self.mainloop) # hack just for idle: # flush_stdout is called immediately after code execution - intercept # this call, and use it to call mainloop try: import def mainloop_wrap(orig_func): def newfunc(*a, **kw): self.mainloop() = orig_func return orig_func(*a, **kw) return newfunc = mainloop_wrap( except ImportError: pass ''' Erases all shapes from the panel and fills it with its background color. ''' def clear(self): self.canvas.create_rectangle(0, 0, self.width + 2, self.height + 2, \ outline=self.canvas["bg"], fill=self.canvas["bg"]) ''' Sets the panel's background color to be the given color. Keyword arguments: color -- the color to set, as a string such as "yellow" or "black" ''' def set_background(self, color): self.canvas["bg"] = color ''' Causes the DrawingPanel to pause for the given number of milliseconds. Useful for creating simple animations. Keyword arguments: ms -- number of milliseconds to pause ''' def sleep(self, ms): try: self.update() time.sleep(ms / 1000.0) self.update() except Exception: pass