CSE 142, Autumn 2008
Approximate Lecture Calendar

Week 1

M 9/22

W 9/24

F 9/26




syllabus, println

read 1.1 - 1.3

static methods

read 1.4 - 1.5

HW1 assigned

Week 2

M 9/29

W 10/1

F 10/3


expressions, variables

read 2.1 - 2.2

for loops, nested loops

read 2.3

loop figures, constants

read 2.4 - 2.5

HW2 assigned

Week 3

M 10/6

W 10/8

F 10/10



read 3.1


read 3G

HW3 assigned

return, Math, double, printf

read 3.2, 4.1

Week 4

M 10/13

W 10/15

F 10/17


Scanner, cumulative sum

read 3.4


read 4.3, 4.5 - 4.6

HW4 assigned

String and char

read 3.3, 4.4

Week 5

M 10/20

W 10/22

F 10/24


fencepost loops, while loops, sentinel loops
read 4.1, 5.1

boolean, Random numbers

read 5.1 - 5.2

HW5 assigned

assertions, do/while, break

read 5.4 - 5.5

Week 6

M 10/27

W 10/29

F 10/31


objects and classes
read 3.3

file input (token-based)

read 6.1 - 6.2, 5.3


in class

Week 7

M 11/3

W 11/5

F 11/7


file input (line-based)

read 6.3 - 6.5

searching files

HW6 assigned

array basics; tallying

read 7.1

Week 8

M 11/10

W 11/12

F 11/14


array traversal algorithms

read 7.2

arrays as param/return

read 7.3, 7.5

HW7 assigned

more arrays

Week 9

M 11/17

W 11/19

F 11/21


objects: fields, methods

read 8.1 - 8.3

objects: constructors, encapsulation

read 8.4 - 8.5

objects: toString, critters

read 8.6 - 8.8

HW8 assigned

Week 10

M 11/24

W 11/26

F 11/28


more critters





Week 11

M 12/1

W 12/3

F 12/5


inheritance: extending, overriding

read 9.1 - 9.2                      

inheritance: interacting with the superclass; polymorphism

read 9.3 - 9.4

critter tournament;

course evaluations


M 12/1

W 12/10

F 12/5



FINAL EXAM (place/time TBA)


This calendar should accurately describe what has occurred in past lectures, but it won't always accurately predict the future.  You may wish to use it to learn what reading will be covered in a given lecture.

Also see the 2007-08 UW academic calendar at http://www.washington.edu/students/reg/0708cal.html