import java.util.*; /* * * Your names here * Quiz section ID here * * A controller for the Building/Elevator simulator. * This controller generates a sequence of people arriving and changes the * state of the system as directed by the ElevatorAlgorihm. * The controller also contains the state of the world (the people waiting * on floors and the people in the elevator). The responsibilities of the * controller include loading people on the elevator, unloading people, and * moving the elevator to a specific floor. */ public class ElevatorController { // These variables are for the class // DO NOT remove these class variables // in Java, the static final keywords mean that these variables are class-wide // and cannot be assigned after they are initialized to the values. Static // variables belong to the entire class instead of instances of the class. private static final int defaultHowManyFloors = 5; //default number of floors private static final int defaultHowManyPeopleMax = 30; //default number of maximum people private static final int defaultDelayBetweenStepsMilli = 600; //default delay in milliseconds private static final int randomSeed=100; //seed for generating the sequence private static final int peopleIncrementCount=3; //max number of people added at each step private static final int incrementInterval=10; //clock ticks after which people are randomly generated //at various floors private static final int elevatorCapacity=8; //maximum capacity of the elevator // instance variables private int clockTicks; //clock ticks passed till now (time expired during simulation) private int elevatorFloor; //current floor of the elevator private int howManyFloors; //number of floors in the building private int howManyPeopleMax; //maximum number of people in simulation private int delayBetweenStepsMilli; //delay for clock ticks private ElevatorAlgorithm algorithm;//algorithm which controls this elevator private Viewer viewer; // the graphical window and stuff.. private Random rgenerator; //random number generator to assist in simulation private ArrayList allPeopleList; //list of all the people entered in simulation till now private ArrayList floors; //an arraylist of arraylists - to keep an account of people // waiting at each particular floor. ith element of this arraylist // is an arraylist which is a list of people waiting at the (i+1) floor private ArrayList elevatorList; //list of people currently in the elevator /** Create a new instance of ElevatorController, * with a default number of floors, maxpeople and delay. */ public ElevatorController(ElevatorAlgorithm ea) { // initialize instance variables for controller howManyFloors = defaultHowManyFloors; howManyPeopleMax = defaultHowManyPeopleMax; delayBetweenStepsMilli = defaultDelayBetweenStepsMilli; floors = new ArrayList(); for(int i=0; i <= howManyFloors; i++) { //make ArrayLists for each floor floors.add(new ArrayList()); } elevatorList = new ArrayList(); //make ArrayList to store people in elevator allPeopleList = new ArrayList(); //make ArrayList to store all people in //simulation elevatorFloor = 1; //start elevator at floor 1 clockTicks = 0; //start clock at 0 rgenerator = new Random(randomSeed); algorithm = ea; // set the algorithm for the controller ea.setController(this); // make sure algorithm has this object as the controller viewer = new Viewer(howManyFloors, 2 * howManyPeopleMax); //initialize viewer } /** get the current floor that the elevator is on */ public int getCurrentFloor() { return elevatorFloor; } /** get the highest floor number */ public int getMaxFloor() { return howManyFloors; } /** get the lowest floor number */ public int getMinFloor() { return 1; } /** Get the current clockTicks */ public int getClockTicks() { return clockTicks; } /** get the number of people still in the system * This is the number of people in the elevator and number * of people waiting in queues on different floors*/ public int getRemainingPeopleCount() { int count = elevatorList.size(); // number of people in elevator for(int i=1; i <= howManyFloors; i++) { ArrayList people = (ArrayList)(floors.get(i)); count += people.size(); // number of people waiting on floors } return count; } /** returns a list of the people waiting at the specified floor f */ public ArrayList getPeopleAtFloor(int f) { return (ArrayList)floors.get(f); } /** returns a list of the all the people waiting at any floor in the building */ public ArrayList getAllPeopleWaiting() { ArrayList waiting = new ArrayList(); //create a new list and put all //people waiting on the floors in list for(int i=1; i<=howManyFloors; i++) { Iterator itr = ((ArrayList)floors.get(i)).iterator(); while(itr.hasNext()) { waiting.add((Person); } } return waiting; } /** This method takes an arrayList of persons waiting for the elevator and * returns the person who has had the longest waiting time for the elevator */ public Person getLongestWaitingPerson(ArrayList waitingPeople) { Person mostWaiting = null; int time; int lowestEnteringTime = getClockTicks(); Iterator itr = waitingPeople.iterator(); // go through all people waiting and find person who entered the simulation // the longest time ago while(itr.hasNext()) { Person person = (Person); time = person.getEnteringTime(); if(time <= lowestEnteringTime) { lowestEnteringTime = time; mostWaiting = person; } } return mostWaiting; } /** load person - takes a person object and loads it into the elevator if the * person is waiting on the current floor -it returns true if the person was * successfully loaded into the elevator, else returns false*/ public boolean loadPerson(Person person) { ArrayList people = (ArrayList)floors.get(elevatorFloor); //this means that the person can not be loaded into the elevator as he/she is not in the waiting queue //of the current floor if(!people.contains(person)){ return false; } people.remove(person); elevatorList.add(person); // loading a person takes time incrementClock(); view("Person waiting since last " + (getClockTicks()-person.getEnteringTime()) + " units of time picked up for target floor:" + person.getTargetFloor()); delay(1); return true; } /** take the elevator to the specified floor */ public void moveToFloor(int f) { if(f > howManyFloors) { // if floor is not in range, force it to be in range f = howManyFloors; } if(f <= 0) { f = 1; } int direction; if(f > elevatorFloor) { direction = 1 ; } else { direction = -1; } //moving takes time and the clock is correspondingly incremented. //for going one floor up/down, the clok takes one unit of time while(elevatorFloor != f) { elevatorFloor = elevatorFloor + direction; incrementClock(); view("Elevator moved to floor:" + elevatorFloor); delay(1); } } /** take out the people who want to get out at the current floor */ public void unloadElevator() { Iterator itr = elevatorList.iterator(); int count = 0; while(itr.hasNext()) { Person next = (Person); if(next.getTargetFloor()==elevatorFloor) { count++; itr.remove(); next.setLeavingTime(getClockTicks()); } } //stopping to unload people takes time incrementClock(); view(count + " people dropped at floor :" + elevatorFloor); delay(1); } /**This method returns the total waiting time for the persons in the system * who have reached their destinations * Helpful for gathering statistics about the algorithm */ public int getTotalWaitingTime() { int waitingTime = 0; Iterator itr = allPeopleList.iterator(); while(itr.hasNext()) { waitingTime += ((Person); } return waitingTime; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Following methods used for simulation -- do not modify following code ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** increment the clock by specified amount - it does * so by calling the method which incements the clock by * one unit at time * DO NOT MODIFY CODE */ void incrementClock(int units) { for(int i=1; i<=units; i++) { incrementClock(); } } /** increments the clock by one unit. after incrementInterval clock ticks, the method for * generating the people is called. This ensures that people are added to the system at regular * intervals of time irrespetive of how many clock ticks does one call to move method * of the ElevatorAlgorithm takes * DO NOT MODIFY CODE */ void incrementClock() { clockTicks++; if(clockTicks%incrementInterval==0) { generatePeople(); } } /** run the simulator, calling the elevator algorithm, till there are any people left * in the system * DO NOT MODIFY CODE */ public void generatePeople() { if(allPeopleList.size() <= howManyPeopleMax) { // A randomly chosen number of people are added to // the the queues at one of the randomly chosen floors int newPeopleCount = rgenerator.nextInt(peopleIncrementCount)+1; //add the new people to appropriate floor queues for(int i=1; i<=newPeopleCount; i++) { int floor = rgenerator.nextInt(howManyFloors)+1; int targetFloor = rgenerator.nextInt(howManyFloors)+1; //we discard this random generation if the waiting floor is //same as the targetfloor if(floor!=targetFloor) { Person newArrival = new Person(floor,targetFloor,getClockTicks()); ArrayList people = (ArrayList)(floors.get(floor)); //add the current arrival to appropriate floor list people.add(newArrival); allPeopleList.add(newArrival); } } } view("People randomly added to the floors"); delay(1); } /** starts the simulation * DO NOT MODIFY CODE */ public void run() { //moveToFloor(1); //starting from floor 1 generatePeople(); while (getRemainingPeopleCount()>0 || allPeopleList.size() <= howManyPeopleMax) { incrementClock(); view("Clock incremented by one unit - control back to elevator"); delay(1); algorithm.move(); // this is where the move method for the algorithm gets called } } /** This method introduces i times a fixed amount of sleep * DO NOT MODIFY CODE */ public void delay(int i) { try { // 142 students -- you may ignore the try/catch, but // this is something you have to look forward to in 143 Thread.sleep(i * this.delayBetweenStepsMilli); } catch (Throwable e) { } } /** This fucntion calls the viewer with required parameters * DO NOT MODIFY CODE */ public void view(String message) { viewer.redraw(getClockTicks(),elevatorFloor,floors,elevatorList,message); } }