CSE 142 - Summer 2000

Section Swaps

We were able to broker the following swaps given the information we collected this morning.  If your name is on this list, please go directly to your new section on Thursday morning (go to the UW Time Schedule to see which rooms each section is held in).  If there are obvious problems here (like you didn't ask to be moved but you got moved anyway) please email malbin@cs.washington.edu for help.  This address cannot be used, however, to swap into a section at a different time or to enroll in the course. 

We are very sorry that were not able to accommodate all requests to move.   

9:40 Sections:

Name Original Section New Section
Tianle Zhuo AA AB
Joanna Wu AA AB
Bhrigu Rishi Parmar AA AB
Shotaro Kobayahi AA AB
Daniel O'Carroll AA AB
Novianty AB AA
Tien Truong AB AA
Baiping Wang AB AA
Bellim Tan AB AA
Melanie Greenlee AB AA

10:50 Sections:

Name Original Section New Section
Benjamin Bird AC AD
Binh Nguyen AC AD
Gabriella Hammer AC AD
Suriyati Lim AC AD
Joseph Henderson AD AC
Sherry Regala AD AC
Pei-Li Shou AD AC
Wei Wang AD AC

12:00 Sections:

Name Original Section New Section
David McIntosh AE AF
Russ Dement AE AF
Jeremy Munson AE AF
Jeffrey Stevenson AE AF
Dominic Wong AF AE
Matthew Ottenbach AF AE
Wei Li AF AE
Ashley Wong AF AE

1:10 Sections:

Name Original Section New Section
Albert Kim AG AH
Carlos Taitano AG AH
Greg Kenyon AG AH
Kian Thio AH AG
Raditya Maryadi AH AG
Nick Georvasilis AH AG