CSE 142 Homework 5
Due Tuesday, August 15th, 10:00 PM
Paper turn in Wednesday, August 16th, 5:00 PM
Turn in Report is due the same time as the Paper turn in (Wednesday)
HHGG is now the premiere game company.
In order to maintain that place, you need to develop a new game.
Market research shows that everything retro is in, and so you've
decided to make Ultimate Dub Dug or
U Dub Dug for short. Any resemblance to Dig Dug is entirely
Homework Requirements:
Program -- U Dub Dug
A Turn In Description -- details here
U Dub Dug is a one-player game in which you try to shoot monsters
and avoid falling rocks, while digging around the screen. You
will be given quite a bit of freedom in this assignment, and are
encouraged to extend the requirements in creative ways. In
this assignment you will be using GP142 again, as well as multidimensional
arrays and structs. You will also be allowed to work with a partner
from your quiz section.
Read this entire assignment carefully, there are important bits throughout.
Quick Overview
You may work with a partner on this assignment, but you are not
required to. You and your partner must be in the same quiz
section. Read the Submission Details below
if you work with a partner.
To play U Dub Dug you use the i,j,k,l keys like
the arrow keys. You use the space bar to
shoot your beam. The moving green rectangles
are monsters, and the brown rectangles are rocks.
The current game is rather simple. However, since we aren't
providing you with any starting code, it will take a large effort
to get it to this simple state. Start
Now. You are encouraged to extend the basic assignment
in interesting and creative ways, and some small amount of Extra
Credit will be awarded.
Making The Game
You are required to make your game have the following features.
It does not have to look identical to our solution, but must be
functionally the same.
- Grid of Multicolor Squares (Dirt)
- Must be a 2-dimensional array of structs
- All objects should stay within the bounds of the grid.
- Grid squares should disappear when dug by the player.
- Player character which moves using the keys
- Moving should make the dirt (squares on the grid) disappear.
- Player should be able to shoot a beam which kills monsters
- Player should not be able to walk over rocks.
- Player should die if it touches a monster or is squished by a rock.
- Player should not be able to walk outside of the grid.
- Rocks which will drop if the grid is empty beneath them
- A rock should kill a monster or the player if it lands on them.
- A rock should break (i.e. disappear) if it falls and hits something. This
means it should disappear if it hits dirt, the edge of the grid,
a monster, or the player.
- The player and monsters should not be able to walk over a rock.
- Monsters which move around
- These monsters are not very clever. They simply move left and right, or up and down.
- Monsters should switch direction if their path is blocked (by a rock, or dirt, or the edge of the grid, or another monster).
- Monsters should die if shot with the beam.
- Monsters should die if they run into the beam.
- Monsters should die if squished by a rock.
- Player should tie if touched by a monster.
The player shoots a beam
- The beam should only extend a little ways (it should not go clear
across the screen).
- The beam should be stopped by dirt, the edge of the grid, rocks,
or if it reaches its maximum length.
- It should kill monsters that touch it.
- If all the monsters are killed it should restart, or move to the next level, or do something such that more monsters are created and the game continues.
- If the player is killed the game ends.
The game functions basically as you would expect. It is a substantial
amount of work to get the game to this level of functionality. But
if you are able to, you should definitely extend the game to make it
more interesting. More elaborate details about how to accomplish
these goals are provided in the next section.
Suggestions and Hints
This assignment uses GP142 like the last assignment.
What follows are more detailed descriptions of how you might go
about implementing the assignment. You do not have to follow
these instructions, but they may be helpful.
- Grid:
- You should probably start by building the grid (the dirt). This
is should be represented with a multi-dimensional array of structs.
Each square of the grid should keep track of certain information.
Perhaps the color it should be displayed as, and the type of thing
currently in the square. For example, a red dirt square, or a yellow
player square, or a black empty square. Remember that you will have
to translate a grid location to a region on the screen. Your colors
don't have to match ours, either.
- Player:
- The second step is to create a player character which moves around
the screen. First, you will need a way to indicate that the player is
occupying a grid location (perhaps the row and column of the grid
where the player is). You might create a struct to store information
about the player. After you can draw the player, you need to be
able to move the player. This means that you will have to use the GP142
event loop. You might consider copying-and-pasting some of the code
from HW4. You will need to handle key
presses in order to move the character in the right directions. This
is very similar to what was done on the last assignment. Except
that each key press moves the position of the player, rather than
changing it's speed. You will need to refresh the screen, preferably after each PERIODIC
event. Remember, when the player moves, the grid square that he
was just in should become empty (the dirt was dug, and disappears).
You will also need to check to make sure that the player does
not walk off the edge of the screen. This means that you will have
to make sure the row and column the player wants to move to are within
the bounds of the grid. Perhaps you can store
the direction the player is moving along with other player information.
You should make sure that if the player is at the edge of the grid,
that he can't move towards the edge (only away). There are 4 directions
(UP,DOWN,LEFT,RIGHT) that you will need to check. And of course, when
in a corner, you have to make sure the player can only move in the two
directions away from it.
- Rocks:
- Once you've got the player moving about, you should add some rocks
to the grid. Again, these should be a different type of grid square
than empty, dirt, or player, and should look different. To start
with, just make stationary rocks. You might make a rock struct to
store information about the rock, and have an array of these structs
to keep track of all the rocks. Of course, the grid has to know
where these rocks are as well. Now comes the first tricky step.
The player should not be able to walk over a rock. This means that
if the player tries to move in some direction, and there is a rock
there, he should not move. You will need to be able to check for
rocks in all 4 directions. Once you have the player moving around,
digging dirt, and being stopped by rocks, you're ready to move on.
Now for some a little harder. If the dirt is removed from below
a rock (and the player moves out from directly under it), the rock
should fall until it hits something. This means that you will have
to scan the column below the rock, checking to see if it is empty.
If so, the rock should drop down. You will need to add a little
bit of a delay so that the action is visible (e.g. it should only
move down after every 3rd PERIODIC event). The rock should stop falling
if it encounters an occupied grid square, or the edge of the grid.
The rock should disappear when it stops falling. Now that you
have falling rocks, consider making the rocks dangerous. This
means that if a rock falls on the player, the player should die
and the game should end. The only way this is likely to happen
is if the player is under a rock and moves down too slowly, being
crushed from above.
- Monsters:
- Once you've got a fair bit of complexity, it is time to get
the game rolling. You need to add monsters. Monsters will probably
be a struct of their own, again, stored in an array, like Rocks.
First, consider modifying the grid such that it has a few empty
channels where Monsters can roam. Now modify the grid such that
it displays monsters. You'll need to store their row and column
positions again. It gets tricky again when you want to make them
move. First, you should decide whether the monster moves left-right
or up-down. Let's assume left-right for now. The monster should
check whether the grid to the right of it is empty. If it is, it
should move into it. It should keep moving right until the square
is not empty, or the monster reaches the edge of the grid. At
this point it should change directions, and start moving in the
opposite direction. The monster should move back and forth.
Remember that the grid should be updated with the monster's position.
Also, rocks are not empty grid squares, so a monster should turn
around if it runs into a grid. Once you have monsters moving back
and forth, up and down, (make sure that if you dig to the side of the monster, it moves into the newly opened spaces), you can add the next bit
of complexity. As your rock should squish the player if it falls
on it, it should squish a monster if it falls on one. Thus you
need to go back and modify the Rocks further, such that if
they fall onto a monster, the monster dies (i.e. disappears).
Once you can squish monsters with rocks, the rocks are complete.
Now you should make the monsters kill the player. If I monster
tries to move into a square which is filled with the player, the
player should die. As you've already written code to handle the
player's death, you should only need to modify the monster code
such that if an occupied square is a player, the player dies and
the game ends.
- Beam:
- The only thing left is to make the beam that the player shoots.
This is fairly complex as it requires checking for a number of conditions.
To start with, you will need to make the space bar do something.
If the next square over in the direction the player is moving is empty,
then when the space bar is pressed, the beam should appear there.
This will require updating the grid, and will probably require you
storing separate information about where the beam is. The beam
should be drawn in the direction the player is facing up to some
maxiumum length, say 4 squares. You may want to ignore other keys
presses while the beam is being fired (use a true/false variable).
Now, when the beam is fired, you should keep extending it one
square at a time. You should wait a few periodic events before
extending it to the next square. Now, you should have the beam
extend until it either reaches its maximum length, or it encounters
a non-empty grid square, or the edge of the board. You might
keep track of the row, col location of the end of the beam, so
that you can keep track of whether or not you're near the edge
of the board. The beam should disappear after it is fired.
Once you can fire the beam, you got only got one last major step to
finish. You've got to make the beam kill the monsters. To
do this, you should check to see whether the square that the beam
stopped at was occupied by a monster. If so the monster should die,
just as if it were squished by a rock. Remember that the beam is
fired in all 4 directions, which means you will have to be able
to draw it and check for monsters in all directions. Lastly, you
need to modify the monsters again. If a monster is walking,
and it encounters a grid square which is occupied by the beam, the
monster should die. Thus, when you check for empty squares for
monsters to move into, you should check for beam squares that kill
You've now basically finished the game. The last step is to make
it so that if all the monsters are killed, then you create new
monsters. Consider just initializing the game back to how it was
at the start.
There is lots of room for extensions, but getting here will
be challenging. Consider making the monsters more intelligent,
so that they follow you. Consider adding a score to the game,
or multiple lives to the player. Make different difficulty levels.
And on...
Get Started Now! Really. We mean it.
Sample Solution
Download and run the sample PC solution hw5.exe.
To play U Dub Dug you use the i,j,k,l keys like
the arrow keys. Use the space bar fire the
Getting Started
You need to use the provided workspaces for this assignment, as they
are set up to appropriately handle the multiple files needed for
Submitting Your Work
You may work with a partner on this assignment. If you do so, you
should try to divide up the work evenly. You do not have to work
with a partner but it is recommended.
You only need to sumbit hw5.c electronically, you don't need to submit
the gp142 code. You must still hand in a turnin receipt and the turn
in report.
Each pair of partners needs only sumbit the code once electronically
and turn in one receipt. However, you both need to submit a turn in
report (you may discuss what you'll write in it, but you should write
it each yourself).
Turn in the assignment
Don't forget the the turnin description
You may turn in the program as many times as you wish. Only the
last version is graded, and only the receipt from this last version
should be handed in.
Note: If you don't know what Dig Dug is go here or here to get Stella. Then go here to get Dig Dug itself.