Treasure Hunt!

The credit part of this part of the homework (0A) is to answer the questions listed below. You can find all of the information by following links from the CSE 142 course web. Find the answers, and then send them by e-mail to your TA. Send a single message which includes all the original questions, plus your answers (hint: it is not necessary to retype the questions! Make the computer do the work). Your e-mail message should include your full name, student ID #, quiz section ID, and your correct e-mail address (points off if you forget any of these, on this or any other work turned in!)

Do not mail until after you have attended your first quiz section on Thursday. This is because both teacher and student assignments to particular sections will not be final until then.

Deadline: mail must be received after your quiz section on Thursday the 22nd, and before 3:30 pm, Friday, June 23nd.

1. On the final exam of CSE142 for Summer, 1999, what was the answer to question 2?

2. Which quiz sections, if any, meet in MEB (Mechanical Engineering Building)? (Hint: You can find this out on the the UW Web).

3a. As the lecture schedule stands now, on which date will the topic called "arrays" first be covered in lecture this quarter?

3b. In order to be prepared for the lecture on July 10th, which chapter(s) should you have read in advance?

4. On which floor of Sieg Hall are TA office hours held?

5. True or False: If you have a question, you can ONLY go to see your own professor or your own TA.

6a. True or False: "When writing programs in the course, it is OK for a group of people to work together to solve the problem."

6b. True or False: "When writing programs in this course, it is OK to use part of someone else's program, as long as it has been modified by you."

6c. Where in the Web did you find the answers to 6a and 6b?

7. Where is the "CSE Homework Box"?

8. Computers are available for your use in the CRC.  What does the abbreviation CRC stand for, and where is it located?

9a. What are two research interests listed on Isaac Kunen's homepage?

9b. What does Isaac do on Tuesdays at 2:00?

10. The answer to #10 will be sent via e-mail to the cse142-announce mailing list just before this part of the assignment is due. In order to receive the answer, you need to subscribe to that list. Be patient, and keep watching the list. We're not saying when the message will appear - don't write to the course staff asking when the message will be sent. When it does appear, it will be very obvious. By the way, if you do miss a message, there is a way to see what it was (that's worth knowing how to do!)