June 19, 2000
Due date: Part 0A (Treasure Hunt) is due Friday, June 23rd; Part 0B is due Sunday/Monday, June 25/26. See detailed instructions on the Web for each part for the exact times.
Purpose: This assignment will help you become familiar with the Mary Gates Hall Computing Resource Center (MGH CRC), the course web, and most of the tools you'll be using throughout the semester. It will also give you a feel for how our homework assignments are written, turned in, and graded.
The detailed instructions for this homework are to be found on the class web, located at http://www.cs.washington.edu/education/courses/142/
Once you get there, click on this quarter; click on Homework, and then on Homework #0. If it doesn't say "June 19, 2000" you're in the wrong place. From there you can read the detailed instructions. Be sure to read them carefully... there may be some parts buried away that you could overlook if you're not careful. Have fun!
the rest of this sheet contains just enough hints to get started. You need to make progress on this immediately! Get help if you get stuck.
If you are completely new to computers, read section 1.2 of the textbook ("Introduction to Computer Hardware") and be sure you understand all the terms it uses.
If you have a computer at home with a web browser and C or C++ compiler, you can use that for this assignment. Otherwise, visit the CRC in Mary Gates Hall. (there are computers elsewhere around campus, too, but these instructions are written with the MGH CRC in mind.) If you have never used a computer before, take an experienced friend with you.
You must have a UW NetID to use any of the computers on campus. If you do not yet have one, either go to the go to UW NetID web page, or go to the Mary Gates Hall CRC and find one of the computers along the wall adjoining the commons area that has a large sign saying "Create New Accounts Here."
A "browser" is a program which can display files from the World Wide Web. You can start a browser by clicking the Start button and selecting either Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer (either is fine and your choice is a simple matter of preference). After it's open, try connecting to the course Web site shown above. Try clicking on "active links" (underlined and in color) to see what happens. Practice using the "Back" button to return from one site to the previous one.
Now you should be ready to locate the detailed Homework #0 information, using the sequence of steps given at the beginning of this sheet. Once you locate it, you may want to print it out. See if you can figure out how!