CSE 142 Quiz 1

June 22, 2000



Answer the following questions about the code given below:

   int squid;
   int clam;
   double octopus;
   char mussel;
   double cuttlefish;

   squid = 42;
   clam = 13;
   octopus = cuttlefish + 2;
   clam = squid - 1;
   mussel = 'M';
   octopus = 17.0;   
   nautilus = 0;

1) List each variable in the code and write whether or not it was declared:

squid, clam, octopus, mussel, cuttlefish, nautilus (not declared)

2) List the identifiers that are not also variables (if any):


3) List the reserved words:

int, double, char

4) What are the final values of the variables of integer type?

squid == 42, clam == 41

5) What are the final values of the variables of floating point type?

octopus == 17.0, cuttlefish == garbage