CSE 142 - Autumn 2000

Section Swaps

We were able to broker the following swaps given the information we collected this morning.  If your name is on this list, please go directly to your new section on Thursday morning (go to the UW Time Schedule to see which rooms each section is held in).  If there are obvious problems here (like you didn't ask to be moved but you got moved anyway) please email malbin@cs.washington.edu for help.  This address cannot be used, however, to swap into a section at a different time or to enroll in the course. 

We are very sorry that were not able to accommodate all requests to move!! 

8:30 Sections:

Name Original Section New Section
Grant Korzetz AA BA
Denis Berger BA AA
Daniel Brauner AA BA
Cameron Lee  BA AA
Timothy Wanek AA AB
Edwin Penniman AB AA
Angel Wilson AB BA
Ruben Pardo BA AB
Matthew Allen AB AA
Jongjin Lee AA AB
Maryah Nijim AA BB
Dennis Jacobs BB AA
Wing Yin Tam BB BA
Andrea Sauter  BA BB

9:30 Sections:

Name Original Section New Section
Jake Foster BC AD
Dana Parries AD BC
Shane Roach BC AC
Jeanette Castro AC BC
Joshua Roy AD BC
Matthew Gregorich BC AD
Victoria Liang  AD BC
Leslie Robertson BC AD

1:30 Sections:

Name Original Section New Section
Daniel Calderon BF AE
Joel Karlsberg AE BF
Zawanblichi Parker BF AE
William Blanchard AE BF
Arnel Balatbat BF AE
Beau Fabregas AE BF
Lois Han BI AE
Eugene Hwang AE BI
David Galbraith BF AE
Jason Terpsma AE BF
Yungdo Yun AF AE
Jiachen Tao AE  AF

2:30 Sections:

Name Original Section New Section
Tan Tran BH AH
Bryan O'Neil AH BH
Michael Wang BH AI
Nicholas Johnson AI BH
Duytnoc Ho BH AH
Zachary Sharpe AH BH
Abe Miller AI BH
Thomas Donn BH AI
Chris Neill Flores AI BH
Hillary Jones BH AI
Christine Konya BH AI
Kyung Jun Chang AI BH
Alicia Lomas BH AI
Michelle Hensley AI BH
Ryan Sage AH BH
Daniel Nealeg BH AH
Hoang Nguyen AI AG
Marc Thung AG AI
Sara Brosten AI AG
Terri Moore AI AG
Anthony Le AG AI