Tutorials, Demos

CSE 142 Autumn 2000 >> Tutorials, demos

We'll schedule a number of tutorials, mostly near the beginning of the quarter. These will be informal events, presented by the TAs. They will be under an hour in length, and some may be much shorter than an hour. There will be a chance to try things out as the instructor explains them, and also time at the for individual questions and help.

The material will mostly be at a beginner's level. If you're already proficient in an area, it would be better not to show up so someone else who needs it can have the seat. If a particular topic turns out to be popular, we can try to schedule another session of it.

If you can't get to a tutorial, remember the consultants are also there to provide individual help, as available. In any case, don't wait for a tutorial before starting on your assignments. Do as much as you can individually as soon as possible.

All tutorials will be held in the temporary IPL-  Mary Gates Hall 030- unless otherwise noted. They won't necessarily be announced in each lecture, so check this page for news.

You will use the following in the debugger tutorials:

Debugger worksheet.exe

Debugger example.exe

Title Presented by Date & time  Notes
Intro to MSVC Geoffrey Beers and Robert Carr Thursday, 9/28, 3:30 Bring two floppy diskettes
Intro to MSVC Jackson Davis and Janet Davis Thursday, 9/28, 5:30 Bring two floppy diskettes
Intro to MSVC Peter Mork and Tammy VanDeGrift Friday, 9/29, 2:30 Bring two floppy diskettes
Debugger tutorial   TBA Bring two floppy diskettes
Debugger tutorial   TBA Bring two floppy diskettes