Do this one to turn in: stairstarter.c sample executable self-extracting archive (MSVC 6 only)
Just for fun! No need to turn in: facstarter.c sample executable self-extracting archive (MSVC 6 only)
Most of the instructions are contained with the starter .c files.
There are two programs (two .c files) to complete. Both involve completing functions and main. The two programs are independent, so you could do them in either order, or work on them simultaneously. Only the first one (Stair Case) needs to be handed in.
Every function and both mains involve loops. We would like you to get experience with both while and for loops. To get full credit, you should have examples of each kind of loop in the program you turn in.
The first program is called Stair Case. Please read through the entire starter .c file before beginning work.
The starter version calls a test function which we supply, and your final version should also call testcases. However, as you are developing the program, you may find it better to write your own test function as you go along, or make test calls directly from main. (For example, as soon as you get the printChar function written and compiling without error, test it by placing calls to it from main. When you are sure printChar works perfectly, write the next function, and test it by making calls to it from main. Keep doing this until everything works completely.) Before turning in the program, remove (or better yet, comment out) your test cases, and restore the call to our testcases function at the beginning of main (and be sure to test it again before turning in!)
For the second program, Factorial, follow the specifications given as comments in the program. As you will see, it involves a certain amount of experimentation after most of the programming is done. Your result (the LASTGOODVALUE) might be different from the one given by the sample executable. And that answer itself might seem wrong, since you will be running the program on a machine different from the one used to develop the program.