September 25, 2000
Due Dates: Part 0A (Treasure Hunt) is due Friday, September 29; Part 0B is due Sunday, October 1 at 10:00PM.
Starter sheet (handed out in class)
Detailed instructions (with further links, which you need to complete the assignment)
A solution will appear here sometime after the due date.
For part B, you'll need the self-extracting archive if you're using MSVC 6.0 (either in the IPL or elsewhere.) Note: when opening this file in the IPL, you may get a warning saying that MSVC cannot find one component of the project. You may safely ignore this warning. It should go away after the first time you save the project.
The plain source file is available here. Don't worry about what this means until you've finished Part A and have read through the instructions for Part B.