Exams and Quizzes

CSE 142 Autumn 2000 >> Exams and Quizzes

Format for Exams

The in-class exams are closed book, closed notes, no calculators permitted. You will not need any paper of your own, but you will need to bring a Scantron form (unless announced otherwise) and a couple of #2 pencils. In addition to the machine-graded questions (multiple choice questions), there could be some programming problems or short-answer questions.

Exam Dates

The dates of all exams this quarter can be found on the schedule for lectures, exams, and homework.

Exam and Solutions

Midterm #1: October 13, 2000

Midterm #2: 

Final Exam: December 12, 2000.  Version AVersion A with answers.

Exam solutions from previous quarters: Many of these are on the Web. Go to one of the previous quarters of the course and follow the exam links.  If no answer key is posted for an old exam, none is available, and the current instructors will not be available to supply you with one.  The old exams as posted do not always completely reflect the exam as students took it at the time.  For example, if errors were discovered in questions and corrected while the test was in progress, those errors may or may not be noted or corrected in the on-line version.  You can still use such an exam for study purposes, and you can always bring individual questions to an instructor or TA for discussion in office hours.


Quiz Solutions

Quiz Section Materials