Course Policies in CSE 130

Spring Quarter, 2009

Late Policy Assignments should be turned in on time. We will usually allow a 15-minute "grace period" before an assignment is counted late. "Standard" assignments will still be accepted up to 24 hours late, at a 10 percent point penalty. After that, they will not be accepted. However, when computing final grades, one standard assignment with your lowest score will be dropped and not contribute to the grade.
Assignment Grading Typically, only a subset of the exercises in each assignment will be graded. Students are responsible for doing all the exercises in the assignments. The grading will usually be designed so that when several exercises cover the same concept, at least one of them will be graded.
Academic Integrity When an assignment is an individual assignment, the work turned in must represent the individual student's effort. Turning in the work of another as one's own is not only considered unethical, but is a punishable offense at the University of Washington, which can result in academic probation or forced withdrawal from the university.
Attendance Attendance in all classes and labs is required, except in cases of illness or prior arrangements with the instructor. Participation credit will be given for typical in-class worksheets. You must be present in class to get these credits. However, two of these will be dropped from the final score computation to account for the possibility of missing class due to illness or conflicts.