Assignment 3

CSE 130 Spring Quarter, 2009

Read Chapter 7, Chapter 8, and Chapter 9. Chapter 10.
Part 1 (Without the computer):
  1. Give the mathematical equation for a line that passes through the points (20, 20) and (50, 60).
  2. Give a PixelMath formula to draw the line described above as a red line approximately 3 pixels thick on a black background inside a 64 by 64 image.
  3. Give the (mathematical) equation for a circle centered at (10, 20) and having radius 5.
  4. Give the inequality for a circular disk centered at (10, 20) and having radius 5.
  5. Give a mathematical expression (involving inequalities) for a circular ring (annulus) centered at (10, 20) having inner radius 5 and an outer radius of 7.
  6. Give a PixelMath formula that will draw the annulus centered at (100, 100) in a 256 by 256 image, such that the annulus has an inner radius of 50 pixels and an outer radius of 70 pixels, and is colored gold on a black background.
Part 2 (With the computer): On the computer, using PixelMath, prepare your own version of each of the following effects. For each one, include the Source image, Destination image, and the formula(s) used to produce it.
  1. Create a "two-source collage" image in which there is a diagonal line, and all the pixels above the line come from Source1 and all the pixels below the line come from Source2.
  2. Create a smooth version of (a) in which there is a zone around the diagonal line in which blending takes place. As you move across the zone, the pixels gradually take on less of the Source1 value and more of the Source2 value. The zone should be at least 10 pixels wide and at most 100 pixels wide. Choose your zone size in order to obtain a visual result that you find most interesting or pleasing.
  3. Using the PixelMath sphere formulas from the text, create an image that represents a spherical surface as a depth map. Then, using a new destination image (perhaps wider than your original), create an ellipsoidal surface by applying a stretching transformation to the sphere.
  4. Create a stereogram using your ellipsoidal surface as the hidden range image.
Part 3 (Extra credit):
  1. Distortions using modulator images.
    Using PixelMath, open up the Formula Page interface and load the following Formula Page file from the server: FunWithModulatorImages.pfp. Try changing the magnitude of the distortion by adjusting the divisor of Red1 in the formula for the modulator image. Smaller values of the divisor will lead to greater distortion of the image.
    Apply this technique using an image of your own face or a friend's face. Adjust the amount of distortion so that the best visual effect is obtained. Ideally, the face will be somewhat recognizable in the distorted pattern of stripes.
  2. The Golden Frame a. Create a PixelMath formula that produces a rectangular frame with rounded inside corners. The frame should have its interior pixels white and its frame pixels black. The frame should have exterior width 256, exterior height 182, interior width 224, and interior height 150. The radius of curvature in the rounded inside corners should be 16.
    b. Create a variation of your frame formula that works with any given destination window and creates a frame like that in (a) but which is also rounded on the outside, using outside corner radius 32. Here is a sample.
Prepare your solutions as a document using one of the following: Microsoft Word, Google Docs, or Open Office Writer. Submit your document as a pdf formatted file. The document should be turned in electronically using Catalyst CollectIt.
Due Monday, April 27, at 11:30 PM. (Catalyst will accept it until 11:45 without marking it late.)