Projects Schedule for CSE 130/DXARTS 198A

Spring Quarter, 2008

By Friday, May 23 (10:30 AM)

Fill out and turn in the project planning form. If for some reason you cannot attend class that day, send the planning information in an email message to Steve.

By Thursday, May 29 (10:30 AM)

Write a 2-page progress report and be prepared to describe, in class, some initial research into your project topic. The report should give a clear description of what you are trying to do, and the progress you have made so far. The research can consist either of an experiment using PixelMath or some online or library research on your topic. Be ready to give a 5-minute presentation to others in the class, with either a demo or two or three screens worth of visual items (perhaps a mock-up of your program's interface).

By Wednesday, June 4 (10:30 AM)

Demonstrations will begin on this day, in class. All teams should be prepared to show their projects to the rest of the class that day, even though we will not get to all the projects in one day. We'll take votes on Friday for various categories of best projects.

By Wednesday, June 11 at noon

Submit your project reports using Catalyst CollectIt. All Python programs should be submitted BOTH as separate files to Catalyst CollectIt AND to the INFACT file management facility. If you use any formula pages, do the same with them. The various source images you use in your project should be on INFACT, ready to run in your programs; they don't have to be submitted to Catalyst.
Here are guidelines including a checklist of items to include in the report.