Assignment 4 for CSE 130/DXARTS 198A

Spring Quarter, 2008

Part 1

"Portfolio Project": Develop a collection of versions of your image including: (a) original; (b) monochrome (gray); (c) thresholded; (d) color -- hue rotated; (e) color -- boosted saturation; (f) fisheye with polar mode; (g) upside-down; (h) color negative; (i) big tiled version (2 x 2 array of different color effects); (j) some kind of combination of your image with another image; for example, a multiple exposure effect, or alternate pixels coming from one image or the other. (k) OTHER -- your choice (creativity is encouraged!).

The portfolio should be done using the Formula Page interface. You should create a .pfp file in the Formula Page interface.

Part 2

Type your answers into a file. This can be a Microsoft Word document, and you can put images into it. Go ahead and include an image for each problem. Turn in your file by uploading it to our CollectIt dropbox and submitting it as Assignment 4, Part 2. It's due Thursday, April 24 at 5:00 PM. The dropbox is at the UW Catalyst web site, linked from here.
  1. Make up a formula that will interchange the left and right halves of an image. Illustrate this transformation either on the Mona Lisa or your own image. Does this transformation generate a group? Explain your answer.
  2. Give a formula that shifts the image up and right by one pixel. Does this transformation generate a group? Explain.
  3. Consider the transformation: Hue rotation by 1/3. Is this invertible? Does it generate a group?
Solutions are now available.