Please make sure you’re aware of the following course policies related to programming assignments.
Useful CSE 123 Resources¶
- CSE 123 Code Quality Guide
- CSE 123 Commenting Guide
- Tips for Testing
- Tips for Success at UW
- Java Cheat Sheet
- JUnit Cheat Sheet
Unless otherwise noted, all assignments are due at 11:59 pm PST. If you have trouble submitting an assignment and the deadline is approaching, you should email all the files to Miya & Brett or your TA BEFORE the deadline so we have your submission on record. Submissions received after the deadline may not be accepted even if there were technical difficulties turning in the assignment if you did not email us your solution before the deadline.
Programming Assignments¶
Programming Assignments will be posted here as they are released.
P3 - Spam Classifier
P2 - Disaster Relief
P1 - Mini-Git
P0 - Ciphers
Creative Projects¶
Creative Projects will be posted here as they are released.
C3 - Collection Manager
C2 - Mondrian Art
C1 - Abstract Strategy Games
C0 - Search Engine
Revision and Resubmission¶
Once per week, you may revise and resubmit a previous Programming Assignment or Creative Project to demonstrate improved mastery. Your resubmission will be graded and the new grades will fully replace your previous grades. (Note that this means your grades may go down if you introduce new errors.) See the full policy in the syllabus for more details.
While feedback from your previous submissions is an important starting point for improving your work, addressing the feedback you receive does not guarantee any particular result on your resubmission. We will make every effort to provide feedback on all areas that could be improved, but oversights may occur. In addition, changes to address one area of feedback may introduce new errors or concerns in other areas. It is your responsibility to ensure that your work meets all expectations. Be sure to consult not only your feedback, but also the assignment specification, code quality guide, and other course resources and materials.
More details about resubmissions will be released soon.
If you think there was a mistake in our grading of your work, you can use the regrade request form to request a regrade. This is not the same as a resubmission. One of the lead TAs and/or Miya & Brett will regrade your previous submission and you will get an email from us with information if your grade on the assignment changed.
Regrade requests are processed as we have availability; we do not promise any particular turnaround time other than that they will be completed before final grades are submitted.