There will be one in-person, timed exam in CSE 123 this quarter. The exam will be held at the following date and time:

  • Friday, August 16 at 10:50am in GWN 301

More information about the exam will be posted as it approaches.

Exam Content

There will be 6 questions on the exam. Each of the 6 questions will be marked with one ESN grade, meaning you will receive 6 ESN marks for the entire final exam. Some questions may have sub-parts, but they will all be clearly marked as part of the same question.

The exam will focus on the following topics:

  • Inheritance (including abstract classes and interfaces)
  • Polymorphism
  • The Comparable interface
  • Linked lists
  • Recursion (including exhaustive search/recursive backtracking)
  • Binary trees (including binary search trees)

The following topics are guaranteed to not be on the exam:

  • Hashing
  • Machine learning

Exam Resources

  • Studying Tips
    • We strongly suggest that you try to solve all of these problems yourself, on paper, without a computer, and without looking at the answer key until you’re done. A very important skill to doing well on the test is being able to look at your solution and figure out if it works without relying on a computer or the answer key since you will have neither of those available during the test.
  • A reference sheet will be provided as the last page of the exam. In general, you are only allowed to use methods and classes shown on the provided reference sheet on the exam.
  • TA exam strategies
  • Past quizzes: The quiz questions we have been using this quarter are designed for our course. These are great examples of the format and concepts we will ask on the exam.
  • Past section materials: The section resources are great study problems for the exam content. In particular sections 17 and 18 are targeted for exam review.
  • Past lecture examples
  • PracticeIt!
    • Note: Practice-It! has many full exams from past courses, but these do not necessarily line up to our course content. Please take the practice exams there with a large grain of salt since they do not necessarily line up with the CSE 123 exam. If you are curious what is and will not be on the exam, re-read the section above.