Welcome to CSE 123: Introduction to Computer Programming III 🎉

What is this class? What will I learn?

Computing continues to play an ever-increasing role in today’s society. Having an understanding of computing is an essential skill for those in the 21st century; from working in industries more reliant on technology, using computational methods to further scientific understanding, or being an informed citizen in a world with technology all around us.

This course is a third course in computer programming focused on the design and implementation of data structures. It assumes students already have significant experience with programming and understand fundamental computing concepts (such as control structures (loops and conditionals), variables and data, and arrays) as well as basic data structure (lists, sets, stacks, queues, and maps/dictionaries) and the fundamentals of object-oriented programming.

In this course, students will learn:

  1. How to implement compound data structures such as lists and trees.
  2. The use of recursion to efficiently solve computational problems.
  3. How to utilize inheritance to represent relationships among similar classes.
Prior Experience and Expectations

Prerequisite Material

This course is intended for students who already have some programming experience. Students entering CSE 123 should already be familiar with programming constructs for problem decomposition (methods or functions), control structures (loops and conditionals), variables and data types (such as integer data), data structures such as arrays, lists, sets, and maps/dictionaries, and the basics of object-oriented programming.

To better assess if CSE 123 is the right class for you, the Allen School has developed a Self-Guided Placement to help students assess which intro course is the right one for them to enroll in. Please see this website for more information on who to contact if you have questions about which introductory CSE course is the right course for you.

Programming Language

CSE 123 is taught in the Java programming language. Unlike CSE 122, CSE 123 does assume prior experience with the Java programming langauge. If you have not programmed in Java before, or if you would like to get some extra practice or review, please see our Java Tutorial.


If you want to learn more about the course and its policies, please check out our course syllabus.


Feedback is always welcome! You can contact the the course staff or submit anonymous feedback.


Please do not email the course staff or instructors regarding registration for the course. The course staff do not have access to add codes. Please email ugrad-adviser@cs.washington.edu for assistance.


This Week (at a glance)

Monday (10/07)

  • Nothing!

Tuesday (10/08)

  • 🧑‍🏫 Section 3: Implementing Data Structures

Wednesday (10/09)

  • 📚 Pre-Class Material 4 (Complete before class.)
  • 👥 Lesson 4: References; Linked Nodes Meet in KNE 120
  • 💻 P0 - Ciphers due @ 11:59 pm.

Thursday (10/10)

Friday (10/11)



This is a rough sketch of the quarter and things are subject to change. We can accurately predict the past, but predicting the future is hard!


Anything listed in the “Lesson” materials for a day should be read before attending class that day. The Lessons are a first introduction to the most important terms and concepts for that day of class. It is okay if the Lesson doesn’t make complete sense as we have the rest of the class day to clarify the concepts, but if you don’t do the Lesson the class session won’t make any sense.

Topic Programming / Creative Projects Resubmissions
Week 0
Mon 09/23
Tue 09/24
Wed 09/25
LES 00 Welcome; Syllabus; Review (JUnit / OOP / Comparable)

Note: Normally you would complete the Pre-class Work before class. There is nothing you need to complete before class today! Instead, please review the Ed lesson in more detail after class.

Thu 09/26
SEC 00 Welcome & Software Setup
Warm Up/Review
I.S. by 11:59 pm
Fri 09/27
LES 01 Inheritance; Polymorphism
Week 1
Mon 09/30
Tue 10/01
SEC 01 Inheritance; Polymorphism
Wed 10/02
LES 02 Abstract Classes
Thu 10/03
SEC 02 Abstract Classes
I.S. by 11:59 pm
Fri 10/04
LES 03 Implementing Data Structures; ArrayIntList
Week 2
Mon 10/07
Tue 10/08
SEC 03 Implementing Data Structures
Wed 10/09
LES 04 References; Linked Nodes
Resub 1
Due 11:59 pm
Thu 10/10
SEC 04 Linked Nodes; References
Abstract Strategy Games
I.S. by 11:59 pm
Fri 10/11
LES 05 Linked Nodes w/ Loops

Note: No PCM for today! Instead, please ensure you are completely comfortable with the Section material on Linked Nodes

Week 3
Mon 10/14
Resub 2
Due 11:59 pm
Tue 10/15
QUIZ 00 Quiz 0

Note: Information for Quiz 0

  • Topics on Quiz: OOP, Testing, Comparable, Inheritance, Polymorphism
  • Topics not on Quiz: Abstract Classes

Wed 10/16
LES 06 Modifying Links; LinkedIntList
pre-class: materials
Thu 10/17
SEC 06 Linked Nodes w/ Loops
I.S. by 11:59 pm
Fri 10/18
LES 07 Runtime
Week 4
Mon 10/21
Resub 3
Due 11:59 pm
Tue 10/22
SEC 07 Linked Lists
Wed 10/23
LES 08 Recursive Tracing
Thu 10/24
SEC 08 Recursive Tracing
Fri 10/25
LES 09 Recursive Programming
Week 5
Mon 10/28
Resub 4
Due 11:59 pm
Tue 10/29
QUIZ 01 Quiz 1

Note: Information for Quiz 1

  • Topics on Quiz: Abstract classes, Implementing data structures (ArrayLists / LinkedLists)
  • Topics not on Quiz: Runtime

Wed 10/30
LES 10 Exhaustive Search
Thu 10/31
SEC 10 Recursive Programming
Mondrian Art
I.S. by 11:59 pm
Fri 11/01
LES 11 Recursive Backtracking
Week 6
Mon 11/04
Resub 5
Due 11:59 pm
Tue 11/05
SEC 11 Exhaustive Search & Recursive Backtracking
Wed 11/06
LES 12 Linked Lists w/ Recursion
Thu 11/07
SEC 12 Linked Lists w/ Recursion
Disaster Relief
I.S. by 11:59 pm
Fri 11/08
LES 13 Binary Trees: Traversal
Week 7
Mon 11/11
Resub 6
Due 11:59 pm
Tue 11/12
SEC 13 Binary Trees: Traversal
Wed 11/13
LES 14 Binary Trees: Modification
Thu 11/14
SEC 14 Binary Trees: Modification
"JamesFeed" Quiz
I.S. by 11:59 pm
Fri 11/15
LES 15 Binary Search Trees
Week 8
Mon 11/18
Resub 7
Due 11:59 pm
Tue 11/19
QUIZ 02 Quiz 2

Note: Information for Quiz 2

  • Topics on Quiz: Runtime, Recursion (tracing, programming, exhaustive search, backtracking), Binary tree traversals
  • Topics not on Quiz: Binary tree modifications, Binary Search Trees

Wed 11/20
LES 16 Machine Learning; SpamClassifier
Thu 11/21
SEC 16 Binary Search Trees
Spam Classifier
I.S. by 11:59 pm
Fri 11/22
LES 17 Hashing
Week 9
Mon 11/25
Tue 11/26
HOLIDAY Thanksgiving week
Wed 11/27
HOLIDAY Thanksgiving week
Thu 11/28
HOLIDAY Thanksgiving week
Fri 11/29
HOLIDAY Thanksgiving week
Week 10
Mon 12/02
Resub 8
Due 11:59 pm
Tue 12/03
SEC 17 TA Choice
Wed 12/04
LES 18 Final Exam Review
Thu 12/05
SEC 18 Final Exam Review
Fri 12/06
LES 19 Victory Lap & Next Steps
Week 11
Mon 12/09
Tue 12/10
EXAM Final Exam - 12:30-2:20pm (KNE 120 & 130)
Wed 12/11
Thu 12/12
Fri 12/13