
Office Hours
Hi, I’m Brett! I grew up outside of Boston, MA and moved to Seattle after college. I earned my B.A. in Computer Science from Harvard University and my M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction from UW. This is my seventh year teaching in the Allen School. Before I came here, I developed curriculum and trained teachers for Microsoft’s TEALS program, taught CS at Issaquah High School, and worked as a developer at Microsoft. Outside of teaching, I am a high school football official, a frequent volunteer at local FIRST Robotics events, and an avid board game and RPG player.

Office Hours
Hey folks! I’m one of the computer security and privacy professors here at UW, and co-direct the Security and Privacy Research Lab. Usually you can find me teaching CSE 484, so I’m excited to be here teaching 123!
Teaching Assistants¶

Anthony Chung he/him
Quiz Section: AP/BC
Hey everyone, my name is Anthony! I am a master’s student studying CS. Outside of academics, I enjoy playing Overwatch, building PCs, and exploring new restaurants. I look forward to great quarter with you all!

Audrey Lin she/her
Quiz Section: AC
Hi there, I’m Audrey! I’m a junior majoring in computer science with a minor in music and math. In addition to being a TA, I’m a violinist, cyclist, and video game lover. Looking forward to a great quarter with every

Augene Pak he/him
Quiz Section: AU
Hello, my name is Augene (pronounced uh-jeen)! I’m a 4th-year studying informatics. I enjoy watching sports and playing the guitar in my free time. Looking forward to meeting y’all! :)

Eesha Kunisetty she/her
Quiz Section: AG
Hello, my name is Eesha! I’m a CS major and I’m excited to TA CSE 123 this quarter. I like trying new foods, crafting things, whether that be knitting, crocheting, or quilting, and watching travel vlogs. I look forward to learning with you all this quar

Eric Bae he/him
Quiz Section: AO
Yo I’m Eric, studying Computer Science. As science enthusiast, I have a passion in learning about different technologies in niches like biology and aerospace. I enjoy talking to people, listening to what they have to say, and discussing with them. While my interests are constantly shifting, the delicate web of intricacies between technology and society fascinates m

Gabe Guo
Quiz Section: BE
Hey everyone! My name is Gabe and I’m from Camas, WA. I’m a junior studying Computer Science, and this will be my third quarter teaching at UW. Some hobbies I have are lifting, murphs, snowboarding, listening to podcasts (acquired is my favorite right now), and playing any IM sports. Excited for a great quarter!

Hawa Drammeh
Quiz Section: AA
hi im hawa 😃😃😃 excited to meet you all! talk to me about soren kierkegaard 🧠 also join my tech entrepreneurship club if you are cool (, love y

Hayden Feeney he/him
Quiz Section: AM
Hello everyone, I’m Hayden. I am a second year student here at UW, and I’m studying computer science. Looking forward to meeting you!

Heon Jwa He/Him
Quiz Section: AR
Hi, I am currently a 2nd year majoring in computer science and I am excited to spend my first quarter as a TA. I like playing video games and also enjoy sports like badminton, soccer, and calisthenics.

Hugh March he/him
Quiz Section: AT
Hi everyone! I’m Hugh and I’m a junior majoring in computer science. If you ever see me at the IMA feel free to say h

Ido Avnon he/him
Quiz Section: AI
Hi all! My name is Ido (he/him), pronounced EE-doh. I am a BS/MS Computer Science and Education student. In my free time, I like to backpack, bird watch, and play Stardew Valley.

Jake Page
Quiz Section: AB
Future platinum producer, current back rehabber, and past Haggett Hall survivor. Down to talk music, CS, basketball, weightlifting, and most importantly why you need to have a Roth IRA.

Jay Dharmadhikari
Quiz Section: AK
Hey everyone! I’m Jay, a double major in Computer Science and Economics. I enjoy painting, listening to music, hiking, reading, and watching Netflix. See you in section

Joe Spaniac he/him
Quiz Section: AD
Hi there! My name is Joe and I’m a 5th year BS/MS student in the Allen School this year. I happen to have a niche interest in theatrical lighting design, so if you ever want to talk shop about your favorite musical or play I’d be happy to hear about it! I also got into crocheting this summer so if you see me around with a bag of yarn that’s probably why. Looking forward to seeing everyone in the IPL this qu

Lainey Jeon she/her
Quiz Section: AE
Hi all, I’m Lainey! I am a junior studying computer science. In my free time, I like listening to music, snowboarding, and playing video games. This is my first quarter TA-ing, so I’m super excited to meet everyone! :)

Maxime Dahan
Quiz Section: AJ
Hi! I’m Maxime, this is my 3rd time TAing (last time I TAd for CSE 121) and I’m a third year studying CS. I like cars, guitar, football, video games, and drawing. Looking forward to meeting everyone and working with you all this quarter! Feel free to send me an email if you ever have any questions or want to talk football (I’m an OM and Chelsea supporter) :)

Medha Gupta she/her
Quiz Section: AF
Hi! My name is Medha and I am a sophomore majoring in computer science. Outside of classes, I enjoy reading, baking, and singing horrendously to Bollywood songs. Some of my hot takes are that I don’t like boba but love pineapple on pizza!

Nam Nguyen he/him
Quiz Section: AN
Hello everyone, I’m Nam! I am a 3rd year CE major and AMATH minor. Outside of class, I enjoy trying new foods (sometimes stealing from friends). I S-T-R-O-N-G-L-Y dislike bell peppers though… Excited to TA this quarter! :))

Riva Gore she/her
Quiz Section: AH
Hi everyone! I’m Riva and I’m a second-year majoring in Computer Science. This is my first quarter TAing and I’m super excited to meet you all! In my free time, I like to bake, watch K-dramas, and read. Feel free to reach out and s

Ryan Rozsnyai he/him
Quiz Section: BA
Hello everyone! My name is Ryan, and I am a sophomore here at UW dual-majoring in Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics and Algorithms (ACMS). Some hobbies I have are hiking, playing games, and listening to music. Looking forward to get to know you all!

Suhani Arora she/her
Quiz Section: BB
Hi there! I’m Suhani and I’m majoring in Computer Science. In my free time, I love watching TV and movies (especially Bollywood), spending time with friends and listening to music. I’m looking forward to this quarter and I’m really excited to work with e

Trien Vuong he/him
Quiz Section: AQ
Hey y’all, I’m Trien! I am a Sophomore and this is my second quarter TAing the CSE 123. I’m super excited to get to know y’all! Outside of academics, I mainly spend my time playing video games. Currently, I am playing League and TFT the most right now, so hit me up if you wanna join in! Looking forward to meeting e

Yafqa Khan
Quiz Section: BD
Hi I’m Yafqa. Outside of CS, I like walking. I look forward to seeing you in section every wee

Ziao Yin he/him
Hey everyone! I’m Ziao and I am currently a sophomore majoring in CS and biochem. When I’m not busy, I enjoy spending time outdoors, traveling, making music, and skiing. Looking forward to meeting every
Getting Help¶
Having questions or getting stuck on something is entirely expected in the learning process. If you find something challenging with your studies, that is a sign you are learning! Learning is not something that you need to do alone though! In fact, connecting with your peers or asking a member of the course staff for help can add extreme depth to your knowledge.
Synchronous Help (Office Hours): One place to go to get help is our Office Hours hosted throughout the week. TAs staff office hours for many hours a day to provide you the help you need when you need it! This is a great place to go if you want to review a particular course concept, work on a practice problem with the help of a TA or your peers, or get help on a Creative Project or Programming Assignment if you are running into difficulties.
A common misconception is that you can only go to office hours with specific homework questions. That is not true! If you have any questions about course concepts (e.g., from class that day), you are super encouraged to go work on that concept with a member of the course staff at office hours! Getting help with a concept earlier, when you first are feeling unsure, is much better than saving it until you need it on the homework.
Asynchronous Help (Ed Discussion): With a class of our size, directly emailing a member of the course staff is not always recommended. There are many of you and only few of us, so if you email one person directly we can’t make a guarantee how quickly we can respond! To alleviate this one-on-one communication of email, we have a course discussion board that will be a much more lively place for discussion and a way to make sure you can are helped more quickly. The message board is set up so that all of the course staff can help you, which will make it more likely for you to receive a quicker response!
Ed Tips
- If you are asking a general question about the course logistics or content, you can make a public post. This way other students can benefit from seeing your question, and you can even answer each other’s questions to share your perspectives!
- If you want, you can choose to post anonymously so that other students in the course can’t see your name. Note that anonymous posting does not hide your identity from the course staff.
- You’re encouraged to answer each other’s questions as well! Explaining a topic to someone else (even on a discussion board) is a great way to help you better understand the material. The course staff will still look over student answers and can nicely point out some misconception if there is one so that everyone benefits.
- If you have a question that’s pretty specific to your homework solution, or, is about some personal details that you would not want to share with the class (e.g., DRS accommodations), you can make a private post on Ed that is only visible to the course staff. This way, any member of the staff can respond to get you the help you need!
- For sensitive matters that you only want to discuss with Brett and David, you can instead email Brett and David if that makes you feel more comfortable. Note that the response time for the instructors’ email is longer than posting on the Ed board.