You may request to have your exam regraded, but when you do so, you are submitting it for a complete regrade. Your score on any problem can go down as a result. For example, you might get a higher score on one exam question only to find that you should have had a lower score on some other exam question.

Exams are graded collectively by the course staff, so individual TAs have little power to deal with exam grading issues. Please submit regrades by the following date:

Final regrade requests must be submitted by Friday, March 31st (first Friday of Spring quarter) at 11:59 pm. Regrades will be processed as soon as possible; however, this might not occur until Spring quarter. You will recieve an email with the result of your regrade once it has been processed.

Please see the solutions posted on the Exam Page for reference. In particular, a testing program for the Stacks & Queues Programming problem is provided to help you identify if your solution implements the expected behavior.

Recall that on the exam we did not necessarily mark solutions down for syntax errors if they did not impact the meaning of the program (e.g., a missing semi-colon, or a mispelling where it was clear there was only one possible meaning). This does not mean that any incorrect Java code could be looked over, especially if it impacts the semantics of the problem. Errors such as forgetting to save things into variables or forgetting to call a particular method are not examples of syntax mistakes, they are errors in the logic of the program. We grade the logic of the program presented to us to the best of our ability, and in the case of syntax errors, reserve the right to interpret the program as we read it.

If you believe a problem was incorrectly graded, you must:

  • Submit a regrade request using this Google Form. The form has a series of questions asking which problems you want graded. Please follow the directions at the beginning of the form very carefully. Regrade requests that do not follow the directions will be denied.
  • If you think there was an issue with the scan of your exam, indicate so in the regrade request and Miya & Joe will check the original paper exam.