Learning from mistakes is an important part of mastering any skill, especially for novices. To enable this, you are allowed to revise and resubmit your work on programming assignments and creative projects to demonstrate improved mastery after your initial submission.
Resubmissions (or “resubs”) are subject to the following rules:
- A maximum of one Programming Assignment or Creative Project can be resubmitted each week (more on this below).
- There will be 8 opportunities for you to make a resubmission after receiving feedback on your work.
- You may not make a resubmission until feedback on the initial submission of that assessment has been released (generally one week after the due date).
- Resubmissions must be accompanied by a form describing the changes made. This will both support you in being deliberate about the changes you make and ease grading of resubmissions by making the changes clear.
- An assignment may only be resubmitted in the 3 resubmission cycles after feedback for the assignment has been released.*
- An assignment that has been found to involve academic misconduct may not be resubmitted (see below).
Resubmissions will be graded and the new grades will fully replace the previous grades. The new grade will be based entirely on the resubmitted work, meaning that your grades may go down when resubmitting. In addition, while every effort is made to identify all areas that could be improved when grading, feedback is not guaranteed to be exhaustive. Be sure to consult all available resources and materials to ensure your work meets all guidelines.
Since there are a limited number of weeks in the quarter, it is very important that you stay on top of your work as much as possible. Our resubmission policy is designed such that you should only be using a single resubmission on any particular assignment throughout the quarter. This means that it is imperative for you to complete as much of each assignment as you can by the initial submission date, so that you can receive feedback on more of that assignment before using a resubmission on it later.
Note that there are 8 assignments this quarter and we plan to have 8 resubmission opportunities. While you may resubmit any assignment whose due date has passed in a given resubmission cycle, it is strongly recommended that you only resubmit each assignment once. By resubmitting an assignment multiple times, you are effectively forfeiting the opportunity to resubmit another assignment. You have a finite number of resubmissions this quarter - so use them wisely!
* We understand that there may be extenuating circumstances that might require you to not fully meet your goal on an assignment within the 3 eligible resubmission cycles. If you believe you would benefit from resubmitting an assignment outside of this 3-cycle window, you should reach out to Matt to explain your situation and discuss a plan for getting caught up with the course.
To resubmit a revised assessment, follow these steps:
- Make any desired revisions directly in your assessment in Ed and click Submit. As with your initial submission, you can make changes and click Submit as often as you’d like.
- Fill out a Google Form to confirm your resubmission. You must:
- set the submission you wanted graded as
- provide a description of the changes you made from your last submission – failure to do so will result in your resubmission not being accepted
- set the submission you wanted graded as
You must complete both steps for your resubmission to be considered complete. Resubmissions in Ed will not be graded unless the Google Form is also filled out correctly. If you are having difficulty accessing the Google Form, try following the instructions on using Google Forms.
The resubmission cycle for each week runs from Thursday to the following Thursday. Each resubmission cycle has a unique Google Form, which will be sent via email, on Ed, and in the following section. Resubmissions must be received by Thursday at 11:59 pm to be considered for that week.
You may only make one resubmission per week, though you may change which submission or which assessment you are resubmitting throughout the week by modifying your responses in the Google Form. Resubmissions received each week will be graded and feedback will be released by the end of the next week.
Resubmission cycles will be listed here as they are released.
- Resub 6: due by Thursday 03/13. Eligible for resubmission: C2, P2, C3.
- Resub 5: due by Thursday 03/06. Eligible for resubmission: P1, C2, P2.
- Resub 4: due by Thursday 02/27. Eligible for resubmission: C1, P1, C2.
- Resub 3: due by Thursday 02/20. Eligible for resubmission: P0, C1, P1, C2.
- Resub 2: due by Thursday 02/13. Eligible for resubmission: C0, P0, C1, P1.
- Resub 1: due by Thursday 02/06. Eligible for resubmission: C0, P0, C1.
- Resub 0: due by Thursday 01/30. Eligible for resubmission: C0, P0.
You may receive additional feedback on your assignment resubmission to complement the original feedback you received. In this case, you will get a link to a re-resubmission form (“re-resub”) and have the opportunity to incorporate the additional feedback to improve your grade. This form will be due 1 week after grades are released for your resubmission. If the re-resubmission form is not submitted on time, we will incorporate the additional feedback into the grades for the assignment.
Re-resubmissions are independent from resubmissions, and do not count as one of your resubmissions for the quarter.