There will be one in-person, timed exam in CSE 121 this quarter. The exam will be on Tuesday, March 18th from 12:30-2:20 PM in KNE 130.
More details and resources will be made available closer to the date of the exam.
Exam Resources¶
We will provide several different resources closer to the date of the exam, and will discuss them in lecture. The last week of lecture and quiz section is dedicated towards review. Please keep your eye out for them!
Past Exams¶
Here is a list of actual final exams from prior offerings of CSE 121. We strongly suggest that you solve all of these problems yourself in a final exam environment: doing them timed, on paper (without a computer), and without looking at the answer key until you’re done.
- CSE 121 Spring 24 Final Exam (24sp Solution)
- CSE 121 Winter 24 Final Exam (24wi Solution)
- CSE 121 Winter 24 Alternate Final Exam (24wi (alt) Solution)
- CSE 121 Autumn 23 Final Exam (23au Solution)
- three of our lovely 23au TAs (thank you Trey, Hannah, and Nicole!) made an annotated set of solutions for this final! 23au Scanned PDFs are available.
Other Practice Material¶
Outside of past exams, we suggest looking at these additional practice resources in this order:
- Past quizzes: the quiz questions we have used this quarter are designed for our course, and are great examples of the format and concepts we will ask on the exam.
- Past section materials: the section problems are great study problems for exam content throughout the course.
- “Extra Review” materials: these are extra problems that were not part of the section materials for any specific day, but cover general topics.
- PracticeIt!
We do not recommend using prior CSE 121 (or CSE 142) final exams for review, as they covered a different set of topics.