A grade of U (“Unassessable”) may be assigned in the case that the submitted work cannot be properly assessed.

Programming Assignment Rubric

Evidence of meeting or exceeding all learning objectives is present. Work has only trivial or inconsequential flaws, if any. Little to no room left to improve understanding.
Evidence of meeting most or all learning objectives is present. Work includes minor errors or inconsistencies, but no significant shortcomings. Understanding could potentially be improved, but demonstrated mastery is acceptable.
N(ot yet)
Evidence of meeting some learning objectives is present, but there are significant gaps and/or evidence of not yet meeting other learning objectives. Demonstrated understanding needs further development to meet expectations.
  • Correctly implements all required functionality
  • Exhibits correct behavior in all cases
  • Attempts to implement all required functionality
  • Exhibits correct behavior in all common cases
  • Attempts to implement most required functionality
  • Exhibits correct behavior in most common cases
  • Most appropriate variant of language features used in all circumstances
  • Most appropriate type and/or data structure used for all data (e.g. variables, parameters, fields)
  • All data created and used in the most local scope possible
  • All code is appropriately factored to eliminate unnecessary redundancy and/or computation
  • No extraneous or unnecessary code or constructs (e.g. methods, parameters, conditional cases)
  • All assignment-specific implementation requirements met
  • Reasonable variant of language features used in all circumstances
  • Reasonable type and/or data structure used for all data (e.g. variables, parameters, fields)
  • All data created and used in local scope
  • No obviously unnecessary redundancy or computation
  • No obviously extraneous or unnecessary code or constructs (e.g. methods, parameters, conditional cases)
  • All key assignment-specific implementation requirements met
  • Some reasonable language features used
  • Some reasonable types and/or data structures used
  • All data created and used in local scope
  • Some unnecessary redundancy or computation eliminated
  • Some extraneous or unnecessary code or constructs eliminated
  • Most key assignment-specific implementation requirements met
  • Header comments are present on all classes and methods
  • All header comments are concise and meaningful, and include all relevant information and no inappropriate information
  • All identifiers are descriptive and meaningful, and follow naming conventions
  • Names, comments, and line lengths make code more readable and maintainable
  • All code is indented and spaced consistently and cleanly
  • Code follows all guidelines from code quality guide
  • Personal style choices are reasonable and consistent
  • Header comments present on most classes and methods
  • All present header comments are concise and meaningful, and include all relevant information
  • Most identifiers are meaningful and follow naming conventions
  • Names, comments, and line lengths do not significantly reduce readability or maintainability
  • Indentation and spacing do not significantly reduce readability or maintainability
  • Code follows all major guidelines from code quality guide
  • Personal style choices are reasonable
  • Header comments present on some classes and/or methods
  • Some header comments are concise and meaningful, and include most relevant information
  • Some identifiers are meaningful and/or follow naming conventions
  • Some attempt made at appropriate naming, line lengths, Indentation and spacing
  • Some code follows guidelines from code quality guide
  • All reflection questions answered and address key critical questions
  • Most reflection questions answered and address key critical questions
    • Little to no reflection questions answered or address key critical questions.

    Creative Project Rubric

    N(ot yet)
    • All basic requirements met.
    • Extension meets requirements and demonstrates meaningful effort.
    • All code quality requirements and expectations met.
    • All basic requirements met.
    • Extension missing, does not meet requirements, or does not demonstrate meaningful effort.
    • Some code quality requirements and expectations not met.
    • Some basic requirements not met.
    • All reflection questions answered and address key critical questions
  • Most reflection questions answered and address key critical questions
    • Little to no reflection questions answered or address key critical questions.