
Please make sure you’re aware of the following course policies related to programming assignments.

Useful CSE 121 Resources

Programming Assignments


Unless otherwise noted, all assignments are due at 11:59 pm Seattle time. If you have trouble submitting an assignment and the deadline is approaching, you should email all the files to Simon or your TA BEFORE the deadline so we have your submission on record. Submissions received after the deadline may not be accepted even if there were technical difficulties turning in the assignment if you did not email us your solution before the deadline.

Programming Assignments will be posted here as they are released.

P1 - Election Simulator

Initial Submission by Thursday 07/18 at 11:59pm PT.

See Details
P0 - Cornbear Cafe

Initial Submission by Tuesday 07/02 at 11:59pm PT.

See Details

Revision & Resubmission

Visit the Resubmissions page for information about the policy and instructions.


If you think there was a mistake in our grading of your work, you can submit a regrade request. This is not the same as a resubmission.

Each of your assignments will be graded by a TA, who will leave their email in a comment. To submit a regrade request, please either:

  1. send an email to your TA (from your UW or CSE email account)
  2. make a private post on Ed

In your email/post, you should briefly explain what you think was graded incorrectly. We’ll get in touch about next steps!