// Modified by Hunter Schafer (July 2022) /** * AUTHOR: NICHOLAS SEWARD * EMAIL: nicholas.seward@gmail.com * LICENSE: MIT (USE THIS HOWEVER YOU SEE FIT.) * DATE: 6/21/2012 * VERSION: 2 (THIS SHOULD BE VERSION 0.1 BUT THAT IS A SILLY NUMBERING SYSTEM.) *



* .-./*) .-./*) .-./*) .-./*) .-./*) .-./*) .-./*) .-./*) * _/___\/ _/___\/ _/___\/ _/___\/ _/___\/ _/___\/ _/___\/ _/___\/ * U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U *

* Additional contributors to the UW version (2022): * Hunter Schafer, Leah Perlmutter *

*/ import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.geom.*; import java.awt.image.*; import java.io.*; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.*; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import javax.swing.filechooser.FileNameExtensionFilter; /** *

About Turtle Graphics

* Turtle is a software library for drawing graphics with simple code, approachable * to beginners. * * This library is one incarnation of Turtle Graphics. * Turtle Graphics has been implemented in many programming languages over many * decades, often as a tool to support people in learning to program! * *

Methods Overview


* Here is an overview of many of the methods in this package. If you * are new to Turtle, you may want to start with the * methods marked by boldface font and the turtle emoji \ud83d\udc22! *


Constructing and Copying Turtles


Moving and Turning a Turtle


Manipulating the Pen and Drawing


Console Output


Changing a Turtle's Appearance


Getting a Turtle's State


Manipulating and Saving the Canvas


Geometric Computations

* *

Coordinate Systems

* This section is to clarify the meaning of numeric coordinates. * *

Canvas Coordinates

* Turtle commands such as forward, setPosition, * and getX/getY * are in terms of canvas coordinates. * Canvas coordinates can be thought of as "model coordinates". * * *

Screen Coordinates

* Screen coordinates change relative to the turtle's world as you * zoom or pan the view of the canvas. * Screen coordinates can be thought of as "view coordinates". * * * * @author Nicholas Seward */ @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "deprecation", "removal"}) public class Turtle implements Runnable, ActionListener, MouseListener, MouseMotionListener, KeyListener, ComponentListener, MouseWheelListener { private static ArrayList turtles; private static TreeMap turtleStates; private static TreeMap redoStates; private static JFrame window; private static JApplet applet; private static JLabel draw; private static int width, height; private static BufferedImage offscreenImage, midscreenImage, onscreenImage; private static Graphics2D offscreen, midscreen, onscreen; private static BufferedImage backgroundImage; private static Color backgroundColor; private static ImageIcon icon; private static Turtle turtle; private static HashMap shapes; //You can only add. Never remove. private static HashMap colors; private static HashMap> keyBindings; private static HashMap> mouseBindings; private static double centerX, centerY; private static double scale; private static TreeSet keysDown; private static TreeSet processedKeys; private static TreeSet unprocessedKeys; private static long lastUpdate; private static long fps; private static final Object turtleLock = new Object(); private static int dragx = 0, dragy = 0, x = 0, y = 0, modifiers = 0; private static final Object keyLock = new Object(); private static final int REFRESH_MODE_ANIMATED = 0; private static final int REFRESH_MODE_STATE_CHANGE = 1; private static final int REFRESH_MODE_ON_DEMAND = 2; private static int refreshMode; private static final int BACKGROUND_MODE_STRETCH = 0; private static final int BACKGROUND_MODE_CENTER = 1; private static final int BACKGROUND_MODE_TILE = 2; private static final int BACKGROUND_MODE_CENTER_RELATIVE = 3; private static final int BACKGROUND_MODE_TILE_RELATIVE = 4; private static int backgroundMode; private static Turtle selectedTurtle; private static boolean running; // Output if accessibility mode is turned on private static PrintStream out; static { init(); } /** * This is an internal method that should never be called. */ public void run() { if (Thread.currentThread().getName().equals("render")) renderLoop(); else if (Thread.currentThread().getName().equals("listen")) eventLoop(); } private void eventLoop() { //System.out.println("EVENT LOOP STARTED"); long time = 0; while (running) { time = System.nanoTime(); processKeys(); waitUntil(time + 1000000000 / fps); } } private void renderLoop() { //System.out.println("RENDER LOOP STARTED"); long time = 0; while (running) { time = System.nanoTime(); //System.out.println(time); if (refreshMode == REFRESH_MODE_ANIMATED) draw(); if (!waitUntil(time + 1000000000 / fps)) fps--; else if (fps < 30) fps++; } } private static boolean waitUntil(Long time) { long now = System.nanoTime(); if (now < time) { try { Thread.sleep((time - now) / 1000000); } catch (Exception e) { } return true; } else return false; } private static void init() { //mouseBindings.put(null, new ArrayList()); turtles = new ArrayList(); turtleStates = new TreeMap(); redoStates = new TreeMap(); width = 500; height = 500; backgroundColor = Color.WHITE; keyBindings = new HashMap>(); mouseBindings = new HashMap>(); centerX = 0; centerY = 0; scale = 1; keysDown = new TreeSet(); processedKeys = new TreeSet(); unprocessedKeys = new TreeSet(); lastUpdate = 0; fps = 30; dragx = 0; dragy = 0; x = 0; y = 0; modifiers = 0; refreshMode = REFRESH_MODE_ANIMATED; backgroundMode = BACKGROUND_MODE_TILE_RELATIVE; selectedTurtle = null; running = true; window = new JFrame("Turtle"); icon = new ImageIcon(); setupBuffering(); draw = new JLabel(icon); window.setContentPane(draw); //window.setDefaultCloseOperation (JFrame.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); try { window.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); } catch (Exception e) { } JMenuBar menuBar = new JMenuBar(); JMenu menu = new JMenu("File"); menuBar.add(menu); JMenuItem menuItem1 = new JMenuItem("Save..."); menuItem1.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_S, Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getMenuShortcutKeyMask())); menu.add(menuItem1); window.setJMenuBar(menuBar); window.pack(); window.requestFocusInWindow(); //! TODO: Fix this :) try { Thread.sleep(5000); } catch (Exception e) { } drawTurtleIcon(); window.setVisible(true); makeShapes(); turtle = new Turtle(0); draw.setFocusable(true); menuItem1.addActionListener(turtle); window.addComponentListener(turtle); draw.addComponentListener(turtle); draw.addMouseListener(turtle); draw.addMouseMotionListener(turtle); draw.addMouseWheelListener(turtle); window.addKeyListener(turtle); draw.addKeyListener(turtle); draw.requestFocus(); initColors(); // Printing for accessibility default is off accessiblePrinting(false); // GraphicsEnvironment ge; // ge = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment(); // String[] fontNames = ge.getAvailableFontFamilyNames(); // System.out.println(Arrays.toString(fontNames)); (new Thread(turtle, "render")).start(); (new Thread(turtle, "listen")).start(); } /** * Turn accessible printing on or off. * When accessible printing is turned on, every turtle command that could result * in a visual graphical upate will also be printed to the console as text. * * @param printToConsole true to turn on accessible printing, or * false to turn off accessible printing */ public static void accessiblePrinting(boolean printToConsole) { if (printToConsole) { if (out != System.out) { out = System.out; out.println("Printing instructions and position information," + " with position information in two dimensional coordinates"); } } else { out = new PrintStream(new OutputStream() { public void write(int b) { //DO NOTHING } }); } } public static void exit() { running = false; window.setVisible(false); window.dispose(); } /** * This is an experimental method that should allow you to make turtle * applets in the future. For now, it doesn't work because the key and * mouse bindings require reflection and applets think that allowing * reflection would open a security hole. Theoretically in the init method * of the applet you need to place Turtle.startApplet(this);. * This is not currently working. * * @param applet applet */ public static void startApplet(JApplet applet) { //turtleStates.clear(); //turtles.clear(); //init(); Turtle.applet = applet; applet.setContentPane(window.getContentPane()); window.setVisible(false); try { (new Thread((Runnable) applet, "turtle")).start(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private static void initColors() { colors = new HashMap(); colors.put("aliceblue", new Color(0xf0f8ff)); colors.put("antiquewhite", new Color(0xfaebd7)); colors.put("aqua", new Color(0x00ffff)); colors.put("aquamarine", new Color(0x7fffd4)); colors.put("azure", new Color(0xf0ffff)); colors.put("beige", new Color(0xf5f5dc)); colors.put("bisque", new Color(0xffe4c4)); colors.put("black", new Color(0x000000)); colors.put("blanchedalmond", new Color(0xffebcd)); colors.put("blue", new Color(0x0000ff)); colors.put("blueviolet", new Color(0x8a2be2)); colors.put("brown", new Color(0xa52a2a)); colors.put("burlywood", new Color(0xdeb887)); colors.put("cadetblue", new Color(0x5f9ea0)); colors.put("chartreuse", new Color(0x7fff00)); colors.put("chocolate", new Color(0xd2691e)); colors.put("coral", new Color(0xff7f50)); colors.put("cornflowerblue", new Color(0x6495ed)); colors.put("cornsilk", new Color(0xfff8dc)); colors.put("crimson", new Color(0xdc143c)); colors.put("cyan", new Color(0x00ffff)); colors.put("darkblue", new Color(0x00008b)); colors.put("darkcyan", new Color(0x008b8b)); colors.put("darkgoldenrod", new Color(0xb8860b)); colors.put("darkgray", new Color(0xa9a9a9)); colors.put("darkgreen", new Color(0x006400)); colors.put("darkkhaki", new Color(0xbdb76b)); colors.put("darkmagenta", new Color(0x8b008b)); colors.put("darkolivegreen", new Color(0x556b2f)); colors.put("darkorange", new Color(0xff8c00)); colors.put("darkorchid", new Color(0x9932cc)); colors.put("darkred", new Color(0x8b0000)); colors.put("darksalmon", new Color(0xe9967a)); colors.put("darkseagreen", new Color(0x8fbc8f)); colors.put("darkslateblue", new Color(0x483d8b)); colors.put("darkslategray", new Color(0x2f4f4f)); colors.put("darkturquoise", new Color(0x00ced1)); colors.put("darkviolet", new Color(0x9400d3)); colors.put("deeppink", new Color(0xff1493)); colors.put("deepskyblue", new Color(0x00bfff)); colors.put("dimgray", new Color(0x696969)); colors.put("dodgerblue", new Color(0x1e90ff)); colors.put("firebrick", new Color(0xb22222)); colors.put("floralwhite", new Color(0xfffaf0)); colors.put("forestgreen", new Color(0x228b22)); colors.put("fuchsia", new Color(0xff00ff)); colors.put("gainsboro", new Color(0xdcdcdc)); colors.put("ghostwhite", new Color(0xf8f8ff)); colors.put("gold", new Color(0xffd700)); colors.put("goldenrod", new Color(0xdaa520)); colors.put("gray", new Color(0x808080)); colors.put("green", new Color(0x008000)); colors.put("greenyellow", new Color(0xadff2f)); colors.put("honeydew", new Color(0xf0fff0)); colors.put("hotpink", new Color(0xff69b4)); colors.put("indianred", new Color(0xcd5c5c)); colors.put("indigo", new Color(0x4b0082)); colors.put("ivory", new Color(0xfffff0)); colors.put("khaki", new Color(0xf0e68c)); colors.put("lavender", new Color(0xe6e6fa)); colors.put("lavenderblush", new Color(0xfff0f5)); colors.put("lawngreen", new Color(0x7cfc00)); colors.put("lemonchiffon", new Color(0xfffacd)); colors.put("lightblue", new Color(0xadd8e6)); colors.put("lightcoral", new Color(0xf08080)); colors.put("lightcyan", new Color(0xe0ffff)); colors.put("lightgoldenrodyellow", new Color(0xfafad2)); colors.put("lightgreen", new Color(0x90ee90)); colors.put("lightgrey", new Color(0xd3d3d3)); colors.put("lightpink", new Color(0xffb6c1)); colors.put("lightsalmon", new Color(0xffa07a)); colors.put("lightseagreen", new Color(0x20b2aa)); colors.put("lightskyblue", new Color(0x87cefa)); colors.put("lightslategray", new Color(0x778899)); colors.put("lightsteelblue", new Color(0xb0c4de)); colors.put("lightyellow", new Color(0xffffe0)); colors.put("lime", new Color(0x00ff00)); colors.put("limegreen", new Color(0x32cd32)); colors.put("linen", new Color(0xfaf0e6)); colors.put("magenta", new Color(0xff00ff)); colors.put("maroon", new Color(0x800000)); colors.put("mediumaquamarine", new Color(0x66cdaa)); colors.put("mediumblue", new Color(0x0000cd)); colors.put("mediumorchid", new Color(0xba55d3)); colors.put("mediumpurple", new Color(0x9370db)); colors.put("mediumseagreen", new Color(0x3cb371)); colors.put("mediumslateblue", new Color(0x7b68ee)); colors.put("mediumspringgreen", new Color(0x00fa9a)); colors.put("mediumturquoise", new Color(0x48d1cc)); colors.put("mediumvioletred", new Color(0xc71585)); colors.put("midnightblue", new Color(0x191970)); colors.put("mintcream", new Color(0xf5fffa)); colors.put("mistyrose", new Color(0xffe4e1)); colors.put("moccasin", new Color(0xffe4b5)); colors.put("navajowhite", new Color(0xffdead)); colors.put("navy", new Color(0x000080)); colors.put("oldlace", new Color(0xfdf5e6)); colors.put("olive", new Color(0x808000)); colors.put("olivedrab", new Color(0x6b8e23)); colors.put("orange", new Color(0xffa500)); colors.put("orangered", new Color(0xff4500)); colors.put("orchid", new Color(0xda70d6)); colors.put("palegoldenrod", new Color(0xeee8aa)); colors.put("palegreen", new Color(0x98fb98)); colors.put("paleturquoise", new Color(0xafeeee)); colors.put("palevioletred", new Color(0xdb7093)); colors.put("papayawhip", new Color(0xffefd5)); colors.put("peachpuff", new Color(0xffdab9)); colors.put("peru", new Color(0xcd853f)); colors.put("pink", new Color(0xffc0cb)); colors.put("plum", new Color(0xdda0dd)); colors.put("powderblue", new Color(0xb0e0e6)); colors.put("purple", new Color(0x800080)); colors.put("red", new Color(0xff0000)); colors.put("rosybrown", new Color(0xbc8f8f)); colors.put("royalblue", new Color(0x4169e1)); colors.put("saddlebrown", new Color(0x8b4513)); colors.put("salmon", new Color(0xfa8072)); colors.put("sandybrown", new Color(0xf4a460)); colors.put("seagreen", new Color(0x2e8b57)); colors.put("seashell", new Color(0xfff5ee)); colors.put("sienna", new Color(0xa0522d)); colors.put("silver", new Color(0xc0c0c0)); colors.put("skyblue", new Color(0x87ceeb)); colors.put("slateblue", new Color(0x6a5acd)); colors.put("slategray", new Color(0x708090)); colors.put("snow", new Color(0xfffafa)); colors.put("springgreen", new Color(0x00ff7f)); colors.put("steelblue", new Color(0x4682b4)); colors.put("tan", new Color(0xd2b48c)); colors.put("teal", new Color(0x008080)); colors.put("thistle", new Color(0xd8bfd8)); colors.put("tomato", new Color(0xff6347)); colors.put("turquoise", new Color(0x40e0d0)); colors.put("violet", new Color(0xee82ee)); colors.put("wheat", new Color(0xf5deb3)); colors.put("white", new Color(0xffffff)); colors.put("whitesmoke", new Color(0xf5f5f5)); colors.put("yellow", new Color(0xffff00)); colors.put("yellowgreen", new Color(0x9acd32)); } private static Color getColor(String color) { String origColor = color; color = color.toLowerCase().replaceAll("[^a-z]", ""); if (colors.containsKey(color)) { return colors.get(color); } else { return null; } } private static void setupBuffering() { synchronized (turtleLock) { lastUpdate = 0; offscreenImage = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB); midscreenImage = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB); onscreenImage = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB); offscreen = offscreenImage.createGraphics(); midscreen = midscreenImage.createGraphics(); onscreen = onscreenImage.createGraphics(); //offscreen.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_RENDERING,RenderingHints.VALUE_RENDER_QUALITY); //offscreen.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_INTERPOLATION,RenderingHints.VALUE_INTERPOLATION_BICUBIC); offscreen.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON); midscreen.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON); onscreen.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON); drawBackground(offscreen); drawBackground(onscreen); icon.setImage(onscreenImage); } } private static void drawTurtleIcon() { byte[] imageData = new byte[]{71, 73, 70, 56, 57, 97, 16, 0, 16, 0, -95, 2, 0, 0, -103, 0, 0, -1, 0, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 33, -7, 4, 1, 10, 0, 2, 0, 44, 0, 0, 0, 0, 16, 0, 16, 0, 0, 2, 44, -108, -113, -87, -53, -19, -33, -128, 4, 104, 74, 35, 67, -72, 34, -21, 11, 124, 27, -90, -107, -109, 72, 117, -91, -71, 110, 103, -37, 90, -31, -10, -55, -87, 122, -34, 74, 72, -15, 17, -56, -127, 8, 33, 5, 0, 59}; try { BufferedImage tmpicon = ImageIO.read(new ByteArrayInputStream(imageData)); window.setIconImage(tmpicon); } catch (Exception e) { } } private static void makeShapes() { shapes = new HashMap(); int[] xs = new int[]{66, 65, 63, 61, 53, 44, 33, 24, 23, 19, 17, 14, 9, 8, 8, 10, 13, 11, 10, 2, 9, 11, 15, 11, 11, 10, 12, 18, 20, 22, 23, 26, 35, 44, 53, 61, 62, 64, 66, 71, 77, 78, 77, 76, 72, 77, 81, 86, 91, 94, 97, 98, 97, 95, 92, 87, 82, 77, 72, 74, 77, 78, 76, 70}; int[] ys = new int[]{18, 19, 21, 25, 23, 22, 23, 27, 25, 21, 20, 21, 27, 30, 32, 34, 37, 42, 47, 50, 53, 59, 65, 68, 69, 71, 74, 79, 80, 80, 78, 74, 77, 78, 77, 75, 79, 81, 82, 81, 76, 73, 71, 69, 66, 59, 60, 61, 60, 58, 54, 50, 46, 42, 40, 39, 40, 41, 34, 32, 28, 27, 24, 19}; Polygon p = new Polygon(xs, ys, xs.length); shapes.put("turtle", p); xs = new int[]{0, 100, 0, 20}; ys = new int[]{0, 50, 100, 50}; p = new Polygon(xs, ys, xs.length); shapes.put("arrow", p); xs = new int[]{0, 100, 100, 0}; ys = new int[]{0, 0, 100, 100}; p = new Polygon(xs, ys, xs.length); shapes.put("rectangle", p); shapes.put("square", p); xs = new int[]{0, 100, 0}; ys = new int[]{0, 50, 100}; p = new Polygon(xs, ys, xs.length); shapes.put("triangle", p); int divisions = 24; xs = new int[divisions]; ys = new int[divisions]; for (int i = 0; i < divisions; i++) { double angle = Math.toRadians(i * 360.0 / divisions); xs[i] = (int) Math.round(50 + 50 * Math.cos(angle)); ys[i] = (int) Math.round(50 + 50 * Math.sin(angle)); } p = new Polygon(xs, ys, xs.length); shapes.put("circle", p); } /* .-./*) .-./*) .-./*) .-./*) .-./*) .-./*) .-./*) .-./*) * _/___\/ _/___\/ _/___\/ _/___\/ _/___\/ _/___\/ _/___\/ _/___\/ * U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U * .-./*) .-./*) .-./*) .-./*) .-./*) .-./*) * _/___\/ _/___\/ _/___\/ TURTLE CONSTRUCTION_/___\/ _/___\/ _/___\/ * U U U U U U U U U U U U * .-./*) .-./*) .-./*) .-./*) .-./*) .-./*) .-./*) .-./*) * _/___\/ _/___\/ _/___\/ _/___\/ _/___\/ _/___\/ _/___\/ _/___\/ * U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U */ /** * This is a internal constuctor that makes a singleton that does the * listening but is not added to the stack of turtles to be rendered. * You don't need to use this outside of the Turtle.java file. * * @param i Pass this any integer. It doesn't do anything. */ private Turtle(int i) { } private Point2D.Double location = new Point2D.Double(0, 0); private double direction = 0; //degrees private String shape = "turtle"; //Stores a key to the shapes hashmap private BufferedImage image = null; private double shapeWidth = 33; private double shapeHeight = 33; private double tilt = 0; private double penWidth = 2; private Color penColor = Color.BLACK; private double outlineWidth = 2; private Color outlineColor = Color.BLACK; private Color fillColor = new Color(0, 255, 0, 128); private double speed = 50; //milliseconds to execute a move private boolean isPenDown = true; private boolean isFilling = false; private boolean isVisible = true; private ArrayList polygon = new ArrayList(); //temporary storage private Long _time; private Point2D.Double _location; private Double _direction; private String _shape; private BufferedImage _image; private Double _shapeWidth; private Double _shapeHeight; private Double _tilt; private Double _penWidth; private Color _penColor; private Double _outlineWidth; private Color _outlineColor; private Color _fillColor; private Double _speed; private Boolean _isPenDown; private Boolean _isFilling; private Boolean _isVisible; private ArrayList _polygon; private Boolean _isFill; private Boolean _isStamp; private Double _dotSize; private Color _dotColor; private Font _font; private String _text; private Integer _justification; private Point2D.Double _textOffset; //secondary temporary storage private Long __time; private Point2D.Double __location; private Double __direction; private String __shape; private BufferedImage __image; private Double __shapeWidth; private Double __shapeHeight; private Double __tilt; private Double __penWidth; private Color __penColor; private Double __outlineWidth; private Color __outlineColor; private Color __fillColor; private Double __speed; private Boolean __isPenDown; private Boolean __isFilling; private Boolean __isVisible; private ArrayList __polygon; private Boolean __isFill; private Boolean __isStamp; private Double __dotSize; private Color __dotColor; private Font __font; private String __text; private Integer __justification; private Point2D.Double __textOffset; /** * Makes a turtle at the center of the canvas at location (0, 0). *
     * Turtle t = new Turtle();
*/ public Turtle() { if (window == null) init(); synchronized (turtleLock) { turtles.add(this); } long time = storeCurrentState(); updateAll(); } /** * Makes a turtle at the specified position. * * @param x x coordinate * @param y y coordinate */ public Turtle(double x, double y) { if (window == null) init(); location = new Point2D.Double(x, y); synchronized (turtleLock) { turtles.add(this); } long time = storeCurrentState(); updateAll(); } /** * This creates a cloned copy of a turtle. * * @return a cloned copy of a turtle */ public Turtle clone() { Turtle t = new Turtle(0); t.location = (Point2D.Double) this.location.clone(); t.direction = this.direction; t.shape = t.shape; t.image = this.image; t.shapeWidth = this.shapeWidth; t.shapeHeight = this.shapeHeight; t.tilt = this.tilt; t.penWidth = this.penWidth; t.penColor = this.penColor; t.outlineWidth = this.outlineWidth; t.outlineColor = this.outlineColor; t.fillColor = this.fillColor; t.speed = this.speed; t.isPenDown = this.isPenDown; t.isFilling = this.isFilling; t.isVisible = this.isVisible; if (window == null) init(); synchronized (turtleLock) { turtles.add(t); } long time = t.storeCurrentState(); return t; } /* .-./*) .-./*) .-./*) .-./*) .-./*) .-./*) .-./*) .-./*) * _/___\/ _/___\/ _/___\/ _/___\/ _/___\/ _/___\/ _/___\/ _/___\/ * U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U * .-./*) .-./*) .-./*) .-./*) .-./*) .-./*) * _/___\/ _/___\/ _/___\/ STATE MANAGEMENT _/___\/ _/___\/ _/___\/ * U U U U U U U U U U U U * .-./*) .-./*) .-./*) .-./*) .-./*) .-./*) .-./*) .-./*) * _/___\/ _/___\/ _/___\/ _/___\/ _/___\/ _/___\/ _/___\/ _/___\/ * U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U */ private long storeCurrentState() { return storeCurrentState(false, false, 0, null, null, null, 0, null); } private long storeAnimatedState() { return storeCurrentState(true, false, 0, null, null, null, 0, null); } private long storeCurrentState(boolean animate, boolean isStamp, double dotSize, Color dotColor, Font font, String text, int justification, Point2D.Double textOffset) { ArrayList state = new ArrayList(); long time = System.nanoTime(); synchronized (turtleLock) { state.add(0); //0 state.add(this); //1 state.add(location.clone());//2 state.add(direction); //3 state.add(shape); //4 state.add(image); //5 state.add(shapeWidth); //6 state.add(shapeHeight); //7 state.add(tilt); //8 state.add(penWidth); //9 state.add(penColor); //10 state.add(outlineWidth); //11 state.add(outlineColor); //12 state.add(fillColor); //13 state.add(speed); //14 state.add(isPenDown); //15 state.add(isFilling); //16 state.add(isVisible); //17 state.add(isStamp); //18 state.add(dotSize); //19 state.add(dotColor); //20 state.add(font); //21 state.add(text); //22 state.add(justification); //23 state.add(textOffset); //24 if (!turtleStates.isEmpty() && turtleStates.lastKey() > time) time = turtleStates.lastKey() + 1; if (animate) time += (long) (speed * 1000000); state.set(0, time); turtleStates.put(time, state); redoStates.clear(); } if (refreshMode == REFRESH_MODE_STATE_CHANGE) draw(); if (refreshMode == REFRESH_MODE_ANIMATED) waitUntil(time); return time; } private static void clearStorage() { synchronized (turtleLock) { for (Turtle t : turtles) { t.__time = null; t.__location = null; t.__direction = null; t.__shape = null; t.__image = null; t.__shapeWidth = null; t.__shapeHeight = null; t.__tilt = null; t.__penWidth = null; t.__penColor = null; t.__outlineWidth = null; t.__outlineColor = null; t.__fillColor = null; t.__speed = null; t.__isPenDown = null; t.__isFilling = null; t.__isVisible = null; t.__isStamp = null; t.__dotSize = null; t.__dotColor = null; t.__font = null; t.__text = null; t.__justification = null; t.__textOffset = null; t._time = null; t._location = null; t._direction = null; t._shape = null; t._shapeWidth = null; t._shapeHeight = null; t._image = null; t._tilt = null; t._penWidth = null; t._penColor = null; t._outlineWidth = null; t._outlineColor = null; t._fillColor = null; t._speed = null; t._isPenDown = null; t._isFilling = null; t._isVisible = null; t._isStamp = null; t._dotSize = null; t._dotColor = null; t._font = null; t._text = null; t._justification = null; t._textOffset = null; } } } private static void retrieveState(long time) { synchronized (turtleLock) { Turtle t = getStateTurtle(turtleStates.get(time)); t.__time = t._time; t.__location = t._location; t.__direction = t._direction; t.__shape = t._shape; t.__image = t._image; t.__shapeWidth = t._shapeWidth; t.__shapeHeight = t._shapeHeight; t.__tilt = t._tilt; t.__penWidth = t._penWidth; t.__penColor = t._penColor; t.__outlineWidth = t._outlineWidth; t.__outlineColor = t._outlineColor; t.__fillColor = t._fillColor; t.__speed = t._speed; t.__isPenDown = t._isPenDown; t.__isFilling = t._isFilling; t.__isVisible = t._isVisible; t.__isStamp = t._isStamp; t.__dotSize = t._dotSize; t.__dotColor = t._dotColor; t.__font = t._font; t.__text = t._text; t.__justification = t._justification; t.__textOffset = t._textOffset; ArrayList state = turtleStates.get(time); t._time = getStateTime(state); t._location = getStateLocation(state); t._direction = getStateDirection(state); t._shape = getStateShape(state); t._shapeWidth = getStateShapeWidth(state); t._shapeHeight = getStateShapeHeight(state); t._image = getStateImage(state); t._tilt = getStateTilt(state); t._penWidth = getStatePenWidth(state); t._penColor = getStatePenColor(state); t._outlineWidth = getStateOutlineWidth(state); t._outlineColor = getStateOutlineColor(state); t._fillColor = getStateFillColor(state); t._speed = getStateSpeed(state); t._isPenDown = getStateIsPenDown(state); t._isFilling = getStateIsFilling(state); t._isVisible = getStateIsVisible(state); t._isStamp = getStateIsStamp(state); t._dotSize = getStateDotSize(state); t._dotColor = getStateDotColor(state); t._font = getStateFont(state); t._text = getStateText(state); t._justification = getStateJustification(state); t._textOffset = getStateTextOffset(state); } } private static long getStateTime(ArrayList state) { return (Long) state.get(0); } private static Turtle getStateTurtle(ArrayList state) { return (Turtle) state.get(1); } private static Point2D.Double getStateLocation(ArrayList state) { return (Point2D.Double) ((Point2D.Double) state.get(2)).clone(); } private static double getStateDirection(ArrayList state) { return (Double) state.get(3); } private static String getStateShape(ArrayList state) { return (String) state.get(4); } private static BufferedImage getStateImage(ArrayList state) { return (BufferedImage) state.get(5); } private static double getStateShapeWidth(ArrayList state) { return (Double) state.get(6); } private static double getStateShapeHeight(ArrayList state) { return (Double) state.get(7); } private static double getStateTilt(ArrayList state) { return (Double) state.get(8); } private static double getStatePenWidth(ArrayList state) { return (Double) state.get(9); } private static Color getStatePenColor(ArrayList state) { return (Color) state.get(10); } private static double getStateOutlineWidth(ArrayList state) { return (Double) state.get(11); } private static Color getStateOutlineColor(ArrayList state) { return (Color) state.get(12); } private static Color getStateFillColor(ArrayList state) { return (Color) state.get(13); } private static double getStateSpeed(ArrayList state) { return (Double) state.get(14); } private static boolean getStateIsPenDown(ArrayList state) { return (Boolean) state.get(15); } private static boolean getStateIsFilling(ArrayList state) { return (Boolean) state.get(16); } private static boolean getStateIsVisible(ArrayList state) { return (Boolean) state.get(17); } private static boolean getStateIsStamp(ArrayList state) { return (Boolean) state.get(18); } private static double getStateDotSize(ArrayList state) { return (Double) state.get(19); } private static Color getStateDotColor(ArrayList state) { return (Color) state.get(20); } private static Font getStateFont(ArrayList state) { return (Font) state.get(21); } private static String getStateText(ArrayList state) { return (String) state.get(22); } private static int getStateJustification(ArrayList state) { return (Integer) state.get(23); } private static Point2D.Double getStateTextOffset(ArrayList state) { return (Point2D.Double) state.get(24); } private static void restoreState(long time) { ArrayList state = turtleStates.get(time); Turtle t = getStateTurtle(turtleStates.get(time)); t.location = getStateLocation(state); t.direction = getStateDirection(state); t.shape = getStateShape(state); t.shapeWidth = getStateShapeWidth(state); t.shapeHeight = getStateShapeHeight(state); t.image = getStateImage(state); t.tilt = getStateTilt(state); t.penWidth = getStatePenWidth(state); t.penColor = getStatePenColor(state); t.outlineWidth = getStateOutlineWidth(state); t.outlineColor = getStateOutlineColor(state); t.fillColor = getStateFillColor(state); t.speed = getStateSpeed(state); t.isPenDown = getStateIsPenDown(state); t.isFilling = getStateIsFilling(state); t.isVisible = getStateIsVisible(state); if (refreshMode == REFRESH_MODE_STATE_CHANGE) draw(); } private void select() { selectedTurtle = this; } private void unselect() { if (selectedTurtle == this) selectedTurtle = null; } private void output(String message) { out.println("Instruction: " + message); out.printf("Current Pos: (%.3f, %.3f)\n", location.getX(), location.getY()); } /** * Determines if a turtle is covering a screen position * * @param x x screen coordinate * @param y y screen coordinate * @return true if this turtle is at the indicated screen position. */ public boolean contains(int x, int y) { Point2D.Double point = new Point2D.Double(x, y); if (_location == null) return false; AffineTransform m = offscreen.getTransform(); double x1, y1, dir1; x1 = _location.x; y1 = _location.y; dir1 = _direction; m.translate(((x1 - centerX) * scale + width / 2), ((y1 - centerY) * (-scale) + height / 2)); m.scale(scale, scale); if (image == null) { m.rotate(-Math.toRadians(dir1)); m.scale(shapeWidth / 100.0, shapeHeight / 100.0); m.translate(-50, -50); Polygon p = shapes.get(shape); GeneralPath gp = new GeneralPath(); gp.append(p.getPathIterator(m), false); return gp.contains(x, y); } else { int w = image.getWidth(); int h = image.getHeight(); m.rotate(-Math.toRadians(dir1)); m.scale(shapeWidth / 1.0 / w, shapeHeight / 1.0 / h); m.translate(-w / 2, -h / 2); try { m.inverseTransform(point, point); } catch (Exception e) { return false; } x = (int) point.x; y = (int) point.y; try { //System.out.println((new Color(image.getRGB(x, y),true)).getAlpha()); return (new Color(image.getRGB(x, y), true)).getAlpha() > 50; } catch (Exception e) { return false; } } } /* .-./*) .-./*) .-./*) .-./*) .-./*) .-./*) .-./*) .-./*) * _/___\/ _/___\/ _/___\/ _/___\/ _/___\/ _/___\/ _/___\/ _/___\/ * U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U * .-./*) .-./*) .-./*) .-./*) .-./*) .-./*) * _/___\/ _/___\/ _/___\/ TURTLE METHODS _/___\/ _/___\/ _/___\/ * U U U U U U U U U U U U * .-./*) .-./*) .-./*) .-./*) .-./*) .-./*) .-./*) .-./*) * _/___\/ _/___\/ _/___\/ _/___\/ _/___\/ _/___\/ _/___\/ _/___\/ * U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U */ /** * Gets the speed of the animation. * @return milliseconds it takes to do one action */ public double getSpeed() { return speed; } /** * Sets the speed of the animation. * *
     * Turtle t = new Turtle();
     * t.speed(1000);
     * t.forward(100); // takes 1000 ms (1 second) to move forward 100 units
     * t.forward(5); // takes 1000 ms (1 second) to move forward 5 units
     * t.speed(100);
     * t.left(90); // takes 100 ms (0.1 second) to turn left 90 degrees
* * @param delay milliseconds it takes to do one action * @return state change timestamp */ public long speed(double delay) { this.speed = delay; long timeStamp = storeCurrentState(); return timeStamp; } /** * Moves the turtle forward by the given distance. Each unit of distance * is one pixel at the default zoom level. *

* The example below constructs a turtle and moves it forward. * If the canvas is zoomed to the default zoom level, then the * distance moved is 50 pixels. *

     * Turtle t = new Turtle();
     * t.forward(50);
* * @param distance number of units to move forward * @return state change timestamp */ public long forward(double distance) { double angle = Math.toRadians(direction); Point2D.Double pastLocation = (Point2D.Double) location.clone(); location.x += distance * Math.cos(angle); location.y += distance * Math.sin(angle); long timeStamp = storeAnimatedState(); output("MOVE FORWARD " + distance); return timeStamp; } /** * Moves the turtle backward by the given distance. Each unit of distance is one * pixel at the default zoom level. * * @param distance number of units to move forward * @return state change timestamp */ public long backward(double distance) { double angle = Math.toRadians(direction); Point2D.Double pastLocation = (Point2D.Double) location.clone(); location.x -= distance * Math.cos(angle); location.y -= distance * Math.sin(angle); long timeStamp = storeAnimatedState(); output("MOVE BACKWARD " + distance); return timeStamp; } /** * Turns the turtle left by the number of indicated degrees. * * @param angle angle in degrees * @return state change timestamp */ public long left(double angle) { direction += angle; long timeStamp = storeAnimatedState(); output("TURN LEFT " + angle); return timeStamp; } /** * Turns the turtle right by the number of indicated degrees. * * @param angle angle in degrees * @return state change timestamp */ public long right(double angle) { direction -= angle; long timeStamp = storeAnimatedState(); output("TURN RIGHT " + angle); return timeStamp; } /** * Gets the direction the turtle is facing neglecting tilt. * * @return state change timestamp */ public double getDirection() { double a = direction; while (a >= 360) a -= 360; while (a < 0) a += 360; return a; } /** * Sets the direction the turtle is facing neglecting tilt. * * @param direction angle counter-clockwise from east * @return state change timestamp */ public long setDirection(double direction) { double a = direction; while (this.direction - a > 180) a += 360; while (this.direction - a < -180) a -= 360; this.direction = a; //this.direction=direction; long timeStamp = storeAnimatedState(); output("SET DIRECTION " + a); return timeStamp; } /** * Moves the turtle to (0,0) and facing east. * * @return state change timestamp */ public long home() { output("MOVE HOME"); return setPosition(0, 0, 0); } /** * Hides the turtle but it can still draw. * * @return state change timestamp */ public long hide() { isVisible = false; output("HIDING TURTLE"); long timeStamp = storeCurrentState(); return timeStamp; } /** * Makes the turtle visible. * * @return state change timestamp */ public long show() { isVisible = true; output("SHOWING TURTLE"); long timeStamp = storeCurrentState(); return timeStamp; } /** * Sets the direction in such a way that it faces (x,y) * * @param x x coordinate of target location * @param y y coordinate of target location * @return state change timestamp */ public long face(double x, double y) { return setDirection(towards(x, y)); } /** * Gets direction towards (x,y) * * @param x x coordinate of target location * @param y y coordinate of target location * @return angle in degrees where 0 <= angle < */ public double towards(double x, double y) { return Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2(y - location.y, x - location.x)); } /** * Gets the distance to another position. * * @param x x coordinate of target location * @param y y coordinate of target location * @return distance between turtle's current location and another position */ public double distance(double x, double y) { return Math.sqrt((y - location.y) * (y - location.y) + (x - location.x) * (x - location.x)); } /** * Gets the x coordinate of the turtle. * * @return x coordinate */ public double getX() { return location.x; } /** * Gets the y coordinate of the turtle. * * @return y coordinate */ public double getY() { return location.y; } /** * Sets the position and direction of a turtle. * * @param x x coordinate * @param y y coordinate * @param direction angle counter-clockwise from east in degrees * @return state change timestamp */ public long setPosition(double x, double y, double direction) { location.x = x; location.y = y; double a = direction; while (this.direction - a > 180) a += 360; while (this.direction - a < -180) a -= 360; this.direction = a; this.direction = direction; output(String.format("SET POSITION (%f, %f) DIRECTION %f", x, y, direction)); long timeStamp = storeAnimatedState(); return timeStamp; } /** * Sets the position of a turtle. * * @param x x coordinate * @param y y coordinate * @return state change timestamp */ public long setPosition(double x, double y) { return setPosition(x, y, direction); } /** * Adds an additional angle to rotation of the turtle's shape when rendering. * This is useful when you need to face a different direction than the * direction you are moving in. * * @param angle angle in degrees * @return state change timestamp */ public long tilt(double angle) { tilt += angle; output("ADD TILT " + angle); long timeStamp = storeAnimatedState(); return timeStamp; } /** * Sets the angle to rotate the turtle's shape when rendering. * This is useful when you need to face a different direction than the * direction you are moving in. * * @param angle angle in degrees * @return state change timestamp */ public long setTilt(double angle) { //double a=angle; //while(tilt-a>180)a+=360; //while(tilt-a<-180)a-=360; //tilt=a; tilt = angle; output("SET TILT " + angle); long timeStamp = storeAnimatedState(); return timeStamp; } /** * Gets the rotation of the turtle's shape away from the turtle's direction. * * @return tilt in degrees (positive in counter-clockwise) */ public double getTilt() { return tilt; } /** * Sets the width of the turtle's pen. Each unit of width corresponds to * 1 pixel at the default zoom level. * * * @param penWidth number of units wide * @return state change timestamp */ public long width(double penWidth) { this.penWidth = penWidth; output("SET PEN WIDTH " + penWidth); long timeStamp = storeCurrentState(); return timeStamp; } /** * Sets the width of the turtle's outline. * * @param width width of the turtle's outline * @return state change timestamp */ public long outlineWidth(double width) { this.outlineWidth = width; output("SET OUTLINE WIDTH " + width); long timeStamp = storeCurrentState(); return timeStamp; } /** * Picks the turtle's pen up so it won't draw on the screen as it moves. * * @return state change timestamp */ public long up() { this.isPenDown = false; output("LIFT PEN"); long timeStamp = storeCurrentState(); return timeStamp; } /** * Puts the turtle's pen down so it will draw on the screen as it moves. * * @return state change timestamp */ public long down() { this.isPenDown = true; output("LOWER PEN"); long timeStamp = storeCurrentState(); return timeStamp; } public long stab() { Color c = Turtle.getColor("red"); if (c != null) this.penColor = c; this.isPenDown = true; output("STAB"); long timeStamp = storeCurrentState(); return timeStamp; } /** * Sets the turtle's path color. * * @param penColor Color of the turtle's path. * @return state change timestamp */ public long penColor(String penColor) { Color c = Turtle.getColor(penColor); if (c != null) this.penColor = c; output("SET PEN COLOR " + c); long timeStamp = storeCurrentState(); return timeStamp; } /** * Sets the turtle's path color. * * @param penColor Color of the turtle's path. * @return state change timestamp */ public long penColor(Color penColor) { this.penColor = penColor; output("SET PEN COLOR " + penColor); long timeStamp = storeCurrentState(); return timeStamp; } /** * Sets the turtle's outlineColor color. * * @param outlineColor Color of the turtle's outlineColor. * @return state change timestamp */ public long outlineColor(String outlineColor) { Color c = Turtle.getColor(outlineColor); if (c != null) this.outlineColor = c; output("SET OUTLINE COLOR " + c); long timeStamp = storeCurrentState(); return timeStamp; } /** * Sets the turtle's outlineColor color. * * @param outlineColor Color of the turtle's outlineColor. * @return state change timestamp */ public long outlineColor(Color outlineColor) { this.outlineColor = outlineColor; output("SET OUTLINE COLOR " + outlineColor); long timeStamp = storeCurrentState(); return timeStamp; } /** * Sets the turtle's fill color. * * @param fillColor Color of the turtle's fill. * @return state change timestamp */ public long fillColor(String fillColor) { Color c = Turtle.getColor(fillColor); if (c != null) this.fillColor = c; output("SET FILL COLOR " + c); long timeStamp = storeCurrentState(); return timeStamp; } /** * Sets the turtle's fill color. * * @param fillColor Color of the turtle's fill. * @return state change timestamp */ public long fillColor(Color fillColor) { this.fillColor = fillColor; output("SET FILL COLOR " + fillColor); long timeStamp = storeCurrentState(); return timeStamp; } /** * Sets the shape of the turtle using the built in shapes (turtle,square, * rectangle,triangle,arrow,circle) or to a image. * * @param shape shapename or filename of image * @return state change timestamp */ public long shape(String shape) { try { image = ImageIO.read(new File(shape)); output("SET SHAPE " + shape); this.shapeHeight = image.getHeight(); this.shapeWidth = image.getWidth(); } catch (Exception e) { if (shapes.containsKey(shape)) { output("SET SHAPE " + shape); this.shape = shape; this.shapeHeight = 33; this.shapeWidth = 33; image = null; } else { System.out.println("Unrecognized filename or shape name."); } } //if(refreshMode!=REFRESH_MODE_ON_DEMAND)updateAll(); long timeStamp = storeCurrentState(); return timeStamp; } public long shapeSize(int width, int height) { this.shapeHeight = height; this.shapeWidth = width; output(String.format("SET SHAPE SIZE (width=%d, height=%d)", width, height)); long timeStamp = storeCurrentState(); return timeStamp; } /** * Put a copy of the current turtle shape on the canvas. * * @return state change timestamp */ public long stamp() { long timeStamp = storeCurrentState(true, true, 0, null, null, null, 0, null); output("LEAVING STAMP"); return timeStamp; } /** * Put a dot 3 times the size of the penWidth on the canvas. * * @return state change timestamp */ public long dot() { long timeStamp = storeCurrentState(true, false, penWidth * 3, penColor, null, null, 0, null); output("LEAVING DOT"); return timeStamp; } /** * Put a dot 3 times the size of the penWidth on the canvas. * * @param color color of dot * @return state change timestamp */ public long dot(String color) { Color c = Turtle.getColor(color); if (c == null) c = penColor; output("LEAVING DOT WITH COLOR " + c); long timeStamp = storeCurrentState(true, false, penWidth * 3, c, null, null, 0, null); return timeStamp; } /** * Put a dot 3 times the size of the penWidth on the canvas. * * @param color color of dot * @return state change timestamp */ public long dot(Color color) { output("LEAVING DOT WITH COLOR " + color); long timeStamp = storeCurrentState(true, false, penWidth * 3, color, null, null, 0, null); return timeStamp; } /** * Put a dot on the canvas. * * @param color color of dot * @param dotSize diameter of the dot * @return state change timestamp */ public long dot(String color, double dotSize) { Color c = Turtle.getColor(color); if (c == null) c = penColor; output("LEAVING DOT WITH COLOR " + c + " DOT SIZE " + dotSize); long timeStamp = storeCurrentState(true, false, dotSize, c, null, null, 0, null); return timeStamp; } /** * Put a dot on the canvas. * * @param color color of dot * @param dotSize diameter of the dot * @return state change timestamp */ public long dot(Color color, double dotSize) { output("LEAVING DOT WITH COLOR " + color + " DOT SIZE " + dotSize); long timeStamp = storeCurrentState(true, false, dotSize, color, null, null, 0, null); return timeStamp; } public long write(String text, String fontName, int fontSize, int justification, double xOffset, double yOffset) { return 0; } /** * Undo turtle state changes. * * @param steps the number of state changes to remove */ public void undo(int steps) { for (int i = 0; i < steps; i++) rollback(); lastUpdate = 0; output("UNDOING LAST " + steps + " STEPS"); if (refreshMode != REFRESH_MODE_ON_DEMAND) updateAll(); } /** * Undo the last turtle state change. */ public void undo() { output("UNDO LAST STEP"); rollback(); lastUpdate = 0; if (refreshMode != REFRESH_MODE_ON_DEMAND) updateAll(); } /** * Redo turtle state changes. * * @param steps the number of state changes to restore */ public void redo(int steps) { output("REDO " + steps + " STEPS"); for (int i = 0; i < steps; i++) rollforward(); lastUpdate = 0; if (refreshMode != REFRESH_MODE_ON_DEMAND) updateAll(); } /** * Redo turtle state changes. */ public void redo() { output("REDO STEP"); rollforward(); lastUpdate = 0; if (refreshMode != REFRESH_MODE_ON_DEMAND) updateAll(); } /** * Clears all the drawing that a turtle has done but all the turtle * settings remain the same. (color, location, direction, shape) */ public void clear() { output("CLEAR DRAWING"); synchronized (turtleLock) { long removeKey = 0; TreeMap copy_turtleStates = (TreeMap) turtleStates.clone(); for (Map.Entry entry : copy_turtleStates.entrySet()) { ArrayList state = entry.getValue(); long time = entry.getKey(); if (getStateTurtle(state) == this) { if (removeKey != 0) { turtleStates.remove(removeKey); } removeKey = time; } } redoStates.clear(); restoreState(removeKey); } lastUpdate = 0; if (refreshMode != REFRESH_MODE_ON_DEMAND) updateAll(); } private void rollback() { int steps = 0; synchronized (turtleLock) { long removeKey = 0; long restoreTime = 0; for (Map.Entry entry : turtleStates.descendingMap().entrySet()) { ArrayList state = entry.getValue(); long time = entry.getKey(); if (getStateTurtle(state) == this) { if (steps == 0) { removeKey = time; steps += 1; } else { restoreTime = time; break; } } } if (removeKey != 0 && restoreTime != 0) { restoreState(restoreTime); redoStates.put(removeKey, turtleStates.remove(removeKey)); } } } private void rollforward() { synchronized (turtleLock) { for (Map.Entry entry : redoStates.entrySet()) { ArrayList state = entry.getValue(); long time = entry.getKey(); if (getStateTurtle(state) == this) { turtleStates.put(entry.getKey(), redoStates.remove(entry.getKey())); restoreState(time); return; } } } } /** * This specifies when the screen gets refreshed. * 0(default)=Animated (The turtle will slide from one state to another without being jerky.) * 1=State Change (The turtle will refresh immediately to the last state. Jerky motion.) * 2=On Demand (The turtle will refresh only when you call update()) * * @param mode refresh mode */ public static void refreshMode(int mode) { refreshMode = mode; updateAll(); } /** * This specifies how the background is drawn. * 0=The image if present is stretched to fill the screen. * 1=The image is centered on the middle of the screen and will not scale/pan * 2=The image is tiled and will not scale/pan * 3=The image is centered on (0,0) and will scale/pan * 4(default)=The image is tiled and will scale/pan * * @param mode background mode */ public static void backgroundMode(int mode) { backgroundMode = mode; updateAll(); } /** * Sets the background color. * * @param color Color of the background. */ public static void bgcolor(String color) { Color c = Turtle.getColor(color); if (c != null) backgroundColor = c; if (refreshMode != REFRESH_MODE_ON_DEMAND) updateAll(); } /** * Sets the background color. * * @param color Color of the background. */ public static void bgcolor(Color color) { backgroundColor = color; if (refreshMode != REFRESH_MODE_ON_DEMAND) updateAll(); } /** * Set the background image. * * @param filename filename for a background image */ public static void bgpic(String filename) { try { backgroundImage = ImageIO.read(new File(filename)); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (refreshMode != REFRESH_MODE_ON_DEMAND) updateAll(); } private static boolean addMouseBinding(String methodName, Turtle t, boolean append, boolean click, boolean repeat) { String className = ""; try { throw new Exception("Who called me?"); } catch (Exception e) { className = e.getStackTrace()[2].getClassName(); } try { boolean works = false; for (Method m : Class.forName(className).getDeclaredMethods()) { if (m.getName().equals(methodName)) { //System.out.println(m); works = true; for (Class paramType : m.getParameterTypes()) { //System.out.println(paramType.getName()); if (!paramType.getName().equals("double") && !paramType.getName().equals("java.lang.Double") && !paramType.getName().equals("Turtle")) { works = false; break; } } if (works) break; } } if (works) { //System.out.println("Method found!"); } else { System.out.println("ERROR"); return false; } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Calling Class not found."); return false; } if (!append || !mouseBindings.containsKey(t)) mouseBindings.put(t, new ArrayList()); ArrayList binding = new ArrayList(); binding.add(t); binding.add(className); binding.add(methodName); binding.add(click); binding.add(repeat); mouseBindings.get(t).add(binding); return true; } private boolean addKeyBinding(String methodName, String keyText, boolean append, boolean repeat) { keyText = keyText.toLowerCase(); String className = ""; try { throw new Exception("Who called me?"); } catch (Exception e) { className = e.getStackTrace()[2].getClassName(); } try { boolean works = false; for (Method m : Class.forName(className).getDeclaredMethods()) { if (m.getName().equals(methodName)) { //System.out.println(m); works = true; for (Class paramType : m.getParameterTypes()) { //System.out.println(paramType.getName()); if (!paramType.getName().equals("java.lang.String") && !paramType.getName().equals("Turtle")) { works = false; break; } } if (works) break; } } if (works) { //System.out.println("Method found!"); } else { System.out.println("ERROR"); return false; } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Calling Class not found."); return false; } if (!append || !keyBindings.containsKey(keyText)) keyBindings.put(keyText, new ArrayList()); ArrayList binding = new ArrayList(); binding.add(this); binding.add(className); binding.add(methodName); binding.add(repeat); keyBindings.get(keyText).add(binding); return true; } /** * Links a method to a key. * * @param methodName method to be executed when the key is pressed * @param keyText key that triggers the method * @return boolean */ public boolean onKey(String methodName, String keyText) { return addKeyBinding(methodName, keyText, false, false); } /** * Links a method to a key. * * @param methodName method to be executed when the key is pressed * @param keyText key that triggers the method * @param append true if you want to have multiple methods per key * @return boolean */ public boolean onKey(String methodName, String keyText, boolean append) { return addKeyBinding(methodName, keyText, append, false); } /** * Links a method to a key. * * @param methodName method to be executed when the key is pressed * @param keyText key that triggers the method * @param append true if you want to have multiple methods per key * @param repeat true if you want call the method every screen refresh * @return boolean */ public boolean onKey(String methodName, String keyText, boolean append, boolean repeat) { return addKeyBinding(methodName, keyText, append, repeat); } /** * * Fits the indicated box in the center of the screen as large as possible. * * @param minx left x coordinate of box * @param miny bottom y coordinate of box * @param maxx right x coordinate of box * @param maxy top y coordinate of box */ public static void zoom(double minx, double miny, double maxx, double maxy) { synchronized (turtleLock) { centerX = (minx + maxx) / 2; centerY = (miny + maxy) / 2; if (width / (maxx - minx) > height / (maxy - miny)) scale = height / (maxy - miny); else scale = width / (maxx - minx); updateAll(); } } /** * Fits everything on the screen. */ public static void zoomFit() { synchronized (turtleLock) { Point2D.Double loc; if (turtleStates.isEmpty()) return; else loc = getStateLocation(turtleStates.firstEntry().getValue()); double minx = loc.x, miny = loc.y; double maxx = minx, maxy = miny; double shapeWidth = 0; double shapeHeight = 0; long time = System.nanoTime(); if (refreshMode != REFRESH_MODE_ANIMATED) time = turtleStates.lastKey() + 1; for (Map.Entry entry : turtleStates.headMap(time).entrySet()) { ArrayList state = entry.getValue(); if (!getStateIsPenDown(state)) continue; Point2D.Double location = getStateLocation(state); if (location.x < minx) minx = location.x; if (location.x > maxx) maxx = location.x; if (location.y < miny) miny = location.y; if (location.y > maxy) maxy = location.y; shapeWidth = getStateShapeWidth(state); shapeHeight = getStateShapeHeight(state); } if (turtleStates.lastKey() > time && getStateSpeed(turtleStates.lastEntry().getValue()) > 0) { double percent = 1 - (turtleStates.lastKey() - time) / getStateSpeed(turtleStates.lastEntry().getValue()) / 1000000.0; //System.out.println("trying"); Turtle t = getStateTurtle(turtleStates.lastEntry().getValue()); double x1 = t._location.x, y1 = t._location.y, x2 = t.__location.x, y2 = t.__location.y; x1 = (x2 - x1) * percent + x1; y1 = (y2 - y1) * percent + y1; if (x1 < minx) minx = x1; if (x1 > maxx) maxx = x1; if (y1 < miny) miny = y1; if (y1 > maxy) maxy = y1; } double shapeMax = Math.max(shapeWidth, shapeHeight); zoom(minx - shapeMax / 2, miny - shapeMax / 2, maxx + shapeMax / 2, maxy + shapeMax / 2); } } private static void updateAll() { lastUpdate = 0; draw(); } /** * Force redraw when the refreshMode is set to on demand. */ public static void update() { if (refreshMode == REFRESH_MODE_ON_DEMAND) draw(); } // Hunter: Made public for testing public static void draw() { synchronized (turtleLock) { long renderTime = System.nanoTime(); if (turtleStates.isEmpty() || lastUpdate == 0) { clearStorage(); drawBackground(offscreen); } if (turtleStates.isEmpty()) { onscreen.drawImage(offscreenImage, 0, 0, null); window.repaint(); if (applet != null) applet.repaint(); return; } if (refreshMode != REFRESH_MODE_ANIMATED) renderTime = turtleStates.lastKey() + 1; if (lastUpdate > turtleStates.lastKey()) { midscreen.drawImage(offscreenImage, 0, 0, null); for (Turtle t : turtles) { if (t.isVisible) t.drawStamp(1, midscreen); //if(t==selectedTurtle)t.drawCrossHairs(1,midscreen); } onscreen.drawImage(midscreenImage, 0, 0, null); window.repaint(); if (applet != null) applet.repaint(); return; } for (Map.Entry entry : turtleStates.tailMap(lastUpdate).headMap(renderTime).entrySet()) { retrieveState(entry.getKey()); Turtle t = getStateTurtle(entry.getValue()); t.drawLine(1, offscreen); if (t._isStamp) t.drawStamp(1, offscreen); t.drawDot(1, offscreen); } midscreen.drawImage(offscreenImage, 0, 0, null); Turtle animatedTurtle = null; double percent = 1; Long t2; t2 = Long.valueOf(0); if (renderTime < turtleStates.lastKey()) { animatedTurtle = getStateTurtle(turtleStates.ceilingEntry(renderTime).getValue()); t2 = animatedTurtle._time; retrieveState(turtleStates.ceilingKey(renderTime)); if (animatedTurtle._speed > 0) { percent = 1 - (turtleStates.ceilingKey(renderTime) - renderTime) / animatedTurtle._speed / 1000000.0; } else percent = 1; if (percent < 0) percent = 0; } for (Turtle t : turtles) { if (t == animatedTurtle) { //System.out.println(percent); t.drawLine(percent, midscreen); if (t._dotSize > 0) t.drawDot(percent, midscreen); if (t.isVisible) t.drawStamp(percent, midscreen, false); if (t._isStamp) t.drawStamp(percent, midscreen, true); //if(t==selectedTurtle)t.drawCrossHairs(percent,midscreen); try { retrieveState(t2); } catch (Exception e) { } } else { if (t.isVisible) t.drawStamp(1, midscreen); //if(t==selectedTurtle)t.drawCrossHairs(1,midscreen); } } lastUpdate = renderTime; //zoomFit(); onscreen.drawImage(midscreenImage, 0, 0, null); window.repaint(); if (applet != null) applet.repaint(); } } private void drawLine(double percent, Graphics2D g) { if (!_isPenDown) return; g.setColor(_penColor); g.setStroke(new BasicStroke((float) (scale * _penWidth), BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND)); if (__location != null && !__location.equals(_location)) { double x1 = _location.x, y1 = _location.y, x2 = __location.x, y2 = __location.y; if (percent < 1 && percent >= 0) { x1 = (x1 - x2) * percent + x2; y1 = (y1 - y2) * percent + y2; } //g.draw(new Line2D.Double((x1-centerX)*scale+width/2, (y1-centerY)*(-scale)+height/2, (x2-centerX)*scale+width/2, (y2-centerY)*(-scale)+height/2)); g.drawLine((int) ((x1 - centerX) * scale + width / 2), (int) ((y1 - centerY) * (-scale) + height / 2), (int) ((x2 - centerX) * scale + width / 2), (int) ((y2 - centerY) * (-scale) + height / 2)); } } private void drawStamp(double percent, Graphics2D g) { drawStamp(percent, g, false); } private void drawStamp(double percent, Graphics2D g, boolean isStamp) { if (_location == null) return; AffineTransform originalTransform = (AffineTransform) g.getTransform().clone(); AffineTransform m = g.getTransform(); double x1, x2, y1, y2, dir1, dir2, tilt1, tilt2; x1 = _location.x; y1 = _location.y; dir1 = _direction; tilt1 = _tilt; if (__location == null) { x2 = x1; y2 = y1; dir2 = dir1; tilt2 = tilt1; } else { x2 = __location.x; y2 = __location.y; dir2 = __direction; tilt2 = __tilt; } if (percent < 1 && percent >= 0) { x1 = (x1 - x2) * percent + x2; y1 = (y1 - y2) * percent + y2; dir1 = (dir1 - dir2) * percent + dir2; tilt1 = (tilt1 - tilt2) * percent + tilt2; } m.translate(((x1 - centerX) * scale + width / 2), ((y1 - centerY) * (-scale) + height / 2)); if (isStamp) m.scale(scale * percent, scale * percent); else m.scale(scale, scale); if (_image == null) { //_outlineWidth=0.0; m.rotate(-Math.toRadians(dir1 + tilt1)); m.scale(_shapeWidth / 100.0, _shapeHeight / 100.0); m.translate(-50, -50); g.setTransform(m); Polygon p = shapes.get(_shape); g.setColor(_fillColor); g.fillPolygon(p); g.setColor(_outlineColor); if (_outlineWidth > 0) { g.setStroke(new BasicStroke((float) (_outlineWidth * scale), BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND)); g.setTransform(originalTransform); GeneralPath gp = new GeneralPath(); gp.append(p.getPathIterator(m), false); g.draw(gp); } } else { int w = _image.getWidth(); int h = _image.getHeight(); m.rotate(-Math.toRadians(dir1 + tilt1)); m.scale(_shapeWidth / 1.0 / w, _shapeHeight / 1.0 / h); m.translate(-w / 2, -h / 2); g.setTransform(m); g.drawImage(_image, 0, 0, null); } g.setTransform(originalTransform); } private void drawDot(double percent, Graphics2D g) { AffineTransform originalTransform = (AffineTransform) g.getTransform().clone(); AffineTransform m = g.getTransform(); m.translate(((_location.x - centerX) * scale + width / 2), ((_location.y - centerY) * (-scale) + height / 2)); m.scale(scale * percent / 2, scale * percent / 2); g.setTransform(m); g.setColor(_dotColor); int r = (int) (_dotSize * 1.0); g.fillOval(-r, -r, 2 * r, 2 * r); g.setTransform(originalTransform); } private static void drawBackground(Graphics2D g) { g.setColor(backgroundColor); g.fillRect(0, 0, width, height); if (backgroundImage == null) return; int w = backgroundImage.getWidth(); int h = backgroundImage.getHeight(); if (backgroundMode == BACKGROUND_MODE_CENTER) { offscreen.drawImage(backgroundImage, (width - w) / 2, (height - h) / 2, w, h, null); } else if (backgroundMode == BACKGROUND_MODE_STRETCH) { offscreen.drawImage(backgroundImage, 0, 0, width, height, null); } else if (backgroundMode == BACKGROUND_MODE_CENTER_RELATIVE) { offscreen.drawImage(backgroundImage, (int) ((-w / 2 - centerX) * scale + width / 2), (int) ((h / 2 - centerY) * (-scale) + height / 2), (int) (w * scale), (int) (h * scale), null); } else if (backgroundMode == BACKGROUND_MODE_TILE) { for (int i = 0; i < width; i += w) for (int j = 0; j < height; j += h) offscreen.drawImage(backgroundImage, i, j, w, h, null); } else if (backgroundMode == BACKGROUND_MODE_TILE_RELATIVE) { double left = centerX - width / 2 / scale; double top = centerY + height / 2 / scale; double right = centerX + width / 2 / scale; double bottom = centerY - height / 2 / scale; for (double x = ((int) (left / w) - 1) * w; x <= right; x += w) for (double y = ((int) (bottom / h)) * h; y <= top + h; y += h) offscreen.drawImage(backgroundImage, (int) ((x - centerX) * scale + width / 2), (int) ((y - centerY) * (-scale) + height / 2), (int) Math.ceil(w * scale), (int) Math.ceil(h * scale), null); } } private void drawCrossHairs(double percent, Graphics2D g) { if (_location == null) return; double time = (System.nanoTime() / 100000000) / 10.0; AffineTransform originalTransform = (AffineTransform) g.getTransform().clone(); AffineTransform m = g.getTransform(); double x1, x2, y1, y2, dir1, dir2; x1 = _location.x; y1 = _location.y; if (__location == null) { x2 = x1; y2 = y1; } else { x2 = __location.x; y2 = __location.y; } if (percent < 1 && percent >= 0) { x1 = (x1 - x2) * percent + x2; y1 = (y1 - y2) * percent + y2; } m.translate(((x1 - centerX) * scale + width / 2), ((y1 - centerY) * (-scale) + height / 2)); int f = 10; m.scale(scale / f, scale / f); g.setTransform(m); int period = 50; int r = (int) (Math.sqrt(shapeWidth * shapeWidth + shapeHeight * shapeHeight) * f / 2); g.setColor(new Color(255, 255, 255)); g.setStroke(new BasicStroke((float) (6 * f), BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND)); g.drawOval(-r, -r, 2 * r, 2 * r); r += f; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) g.drawLine((int) (r * Math.cos(Math.PI / 2 * i + 2 * Math.PI * time / period)), (int) (r * Math.sin(Math.PI / 2 * i + 2 * Math.PI * time / period)), (int) ((r + r / 5) * Math.cos(Math.PI / 2 * i + 2 * Math.PI * time / period)), (int) ((r + r / 5) * Math.sin(Math.PI / 2 * i + 2 * Math.PI * time / period))); r -= f; g.setColor(new Color(0, 0, 0)); g.setStroke(new BasicStroke((float) (3 * f), BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND)); g.drawOval(-r, -r, 2 * r, 2 * r); r += f; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) g.drawLine((int) (r * Math.cos(Math.PI / 2 * i + 2 * Math.PI * time / period)), (int) (r * Math.sin(Math.PI / 2 * i + 2 * Math.PI * time / period)), (int) ((r + r / 5) * Math.cos(Math.PI / 2 * i + 2 * Math.PI * time / period)), (int) ((r + r / 5) * Math.sin(Math.PI / 2 * i + 2 * Math.PI * time / period))); g.setTransform(originalTransform); } /** * Changes the size of the canvas effectively changing the size of the window. * * @param width width of the canvas * @param height height of the canvas */ public static void setCanvasSize(int width, int height) { Turtle.width = width; Turtle.height = height; Turtle.setupBuffering(); window.pack(); updateAll(); } /** * Saves the visible canvas to an image. * * @param filename image filename */ public static void save(String filename) { save(new File(filename)); } private static void save(File file) { WritableRaster raster = onscreenImage.getRaster(); WritableRaster newRaster; newRaster = raster.createWritableChild(0, 0, width, height, 0, 0, new int[]{0, 1, 2}); DirectColorModel cm = (DirectColorModel) onscreenImage.getColorModel(); DirectColorModel newCM = new DirectColorModel(cm.getPixelSize(), cm.getRedMask(), cm.getGreenMask(), cm.getBlueMask()); BufferedImage rgbBuffer = new BufferedImage(newCM, newRaster, false, null); try { String suffix = file.getName().substring(file.getName().lastIndexOf('.') + 1); if (!ImageIO.write(rgbBuffer, suffix, file)) throw new Exception("Didn't save file."); } catch (Exception e) { file.delete(); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(window, "Sorry! We can not process your request at this time.", "Image Save Failed", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } } /** * Demo program * * @param a commandline args */ public static void main(String[] a) { //Turtle bob = new Turtle(); /*for(int i=0;i<360;i++) { bob.forward(i*1.25); bob.left(90.25); } */ /*If you don't know what a for loop is yet this is equivalent to repeating the middle 4 lines 5 times in a row.*/ Turtle bob = new Turtle(); bgcolor("lightblue"); bob.penColor("red"); bob.width(10); for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++) { bob.forward(i / 10.); bob.left(5); if (i % 10 == 0) bob.dot("orange");//Draws dots when i is a multiple of 10. } bob.saveGCODE("test.gcode"); } /** * Internal mehod for handling events. * @param e event */ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (((JMenuItem) e.getSource()).getText().equals("Save...")) { JFileChooser chooser = new JFileChooser(System.getProperty("user.dir")); chooser.setFileFilter(new FileNameExtensionFilter("Image (*.jpg, *.jpeg, *.gif, *.bmp, *.png)", "jpg", "png", "jpeg", "bmp", "gif")); int option = chooser.showSaveDialog(window); if (option == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { if (chooser.getSelectedFile() != null) { File file = chooser.getSelectedFile(); save(file); } } } } /** * Internal mehod for handling events. * @param e event */ public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { if (e.getModifiers() == 8 && e.getClickCount() == 2) { centerX = 0; centerY = 0; scale = 1; updateAll(); } } /** * Internal mehod for handling events. * @param e event */ public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) { } /** * Internal mehod for handling events. * @param e event */ public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) { } /** * Internal mehod for handling events. * @param e event */ public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { dragx = e.getX(); dragy = e.getY(); modifiers += e.getModifiers(); synchronized (turtleLock) { for (Turtle t : turtles) { if (t.contains(dragx, dragy)) t.select(); else t.unselect(); } } } /** * Internal mehod for handling events. * @param e event */ public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { modifiers -= e.getModifiers(); } /** * Internal mehod for handling events. * @param e event */ public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) { modifiers = e.getModifiers(); int dx, dy; if (e.getModifiers() == 8) { x = e.getX(); dx = x - dragx; y = e.getY(); dy = y - dragy; dragx = x; dragy = y; synchronized (turtleLock) { centerX -= dx * 1.0 / scale; centerY += dy * 1.0 / scale; } updateAll(); } this.x = e.getX(); this.y = e.getY(); } /** * Internal mehod for handling events. * @param e event */ public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) { modifiers = e.getModifiers(); x = e.getX(); y = e.getY(); } /** * Internal mehod for handling events. * @param e event */ public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) { } /** * Internal mehod for handling events. * @param e event */ public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) { String keyText = KeyEvent.getKeyText(e.getKeyCode()).toLowerCase(); synchronized (keyLock) { keysDown.add(keyText); if (keyBindings.containsKey(keyText)) { unprocessedKeys.add(keyText); } } } /** * Internal mehod for handling events. * @param e event */ public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) { String keyText = KeyEvent.getKeyText(e.getKeyCode()).toLowerCase(); synchronized (keyLock) { keysDown.remove(keyText); processedKeys.remove(keyText); } } private void processKeys() { //System.out.println(keysDown); TreeSet keysDownCopy = new TreeSet(); synchronized (keyLock) { keysDownCopy = (TreeSet) keysDown.clone(); } keysDownCopy.addAll(unprocessedKeys); for (String keyText : keysDownCopy) { if (keyBindings.containsKey(keyText)) { for (ArrayList binding : keyBindings.get(keyText)) { Turtle t = (Turtle) binding.get(0); String className = (String) binding.get(1); String methodName = (String) binding.get(2); Boolean repeat = (Boolean) binding.get(3); if (!repeat && processedKeys.contains(keyText)) break; unprocessedKeys.remove(keyText); processedKeys.add(keyText); try { Class cls = Class.forName(className); Object clsInstance = (Object) cls.newInstance(); Method m = clsInstance.getClass().getMethod(methodName, t.getClass()); m.invoke(clsInstance, t); } catch (Exception e1) { try { Class cls = Class.forName(className); Object clsInstance = (Object) cls.newInstance(); Method m = clsInstance.getClass().getMethod(methodName, t.getClass(), keyText.getClass()); m.invoke(clsInstance, t, keyText); } catch (Exception e2) { try { Class cls = Class.forName(className); Object clsInstance = (Object) cls.newInstance(); Method m = clsInstance.getClass().getMethod(methodName); m.invoke(clsInstance); } catch (Exception e3) { System.out.println("KeyBinding for " + keyText + " has failed."); e1.printStackTrace(); e2.printStackTrace(); e3.printStackTrace(); } } } } } } } /** * Internal mehod for handling events. * @param e event */ public void componentHidden(ComponentEvent e) { } /** * Internal mehod for handling events. * @param e event */ public void componentMoved(ComponentEvent e) { } /** * Internal mehod for handling events. * @param e event */ public void componentResized(ComponentEvent e) { width = (int) draw.getBounds().getWidth(); height = (int) draw.getBounds().getHeight(); setupBuffering(); updateAll(); } /** * Internal mehod for handling events. * @param e event */ public void componentShown(ComponentEvent e) { } /** * Internal mehod for handling events. * @param e event */ public void mouseWheelMoved(MouseWheelEvent e) { int notches = e.getWheelRotation(); double ds = Math.pow(1.1, notches); x = e.getX(); y = e.getY(); double dx = width / 2 - x; double dy = height / 2 - y; synchronized (turtleLock) { centerX -= (dx * ds - dx) / scale / ds; centerY += (dy * ds - dy) / scale / ds; scale *= ds; } updateAll(); } /** * Get the pressed keys. * * @return a list of pressed keys */ public static String[] keysDown() { return keysDown.toArray(new String[]{}); } /** * Test if a key is pressed or not. * * @param key key you are testing * @return true if the key is pressed */ public static boolean isKeyDown(String key) { return keysDown.contains(key); } /** * Get the mouse x coordinate using the screens coordinate system. * * @return x coordinate */ public static int mouseX() { return turtle.x; } /** * Get the mouse y coordinate using the screens coordinate system. * * @return y coordinate */ public static int mouseY() { return turtle.y; } /** * Check to see if a mouse button is down. * * @return true if a button is down */ public static boolean mouseButton() { return mouseButton1() || mouseButton2() || mouseButton3(); } /** * Check to see if the first mouse button is down. * * @return true if button 1 is down */ public static boolean mouseButton1() { return (turtle.modifiers & 16) == 16; } /** * Check to see if the second mouse button is down. * * @return true if button 2 is down */ public static boolean mouseButton2() { return (turtle.modifiers & 8) == 8; } /** * Check to see if the third mouse button is down. * * @return true if button 3 is down */ public static boolean mouseButton3() { return (turtle.modifiers & 4) == 4; } /** * Converts screen coordinates to canvas coordinates. * * @param screenX screen x coordinate * @return canvas x coordinate */ public static double canvasX(double screenX) { return (screenX - width / 2.0) / scale + centerX; } /** * Converts screen coordinates to canvas coordinates. * * @param screenY screen y coordinate * @return canvas y coordinate */ public static double canvasY(double screenY) { return (-screenY + height / 2.0) / scale + centerY; } public static double screenX(double canvasX) { return (canvasX - centerX) * scale + width / 2.0; } public static double screenY(double canvasY) { return (canvasY - centerY) * scale + height / 2.0; } private static void saveGCODE(String filename) { PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(System.out); try { out = new PrintWriter(filename); } catch (Exception e) { } out.println("M104 S200"); out.println("M109 S200"); out.println("G21"); out.println("G90"); out.println("M82"); out.println("M106"); out.println("G28 X0 Y0"); out.println("G28 Z0"); out.println("G29"); out.println("G1 Z15.0 F9000"); out.println("G92 E0"); out.println("G1 F200 E5"); out.println("G92 E0"); out.println("G1 X50 Y50 F1800"); double e = 0; synchronized (turtleLock) { int i = 0; for (Map.Entry entry : turtleStates.entrySet()) { retrieveState(entry.getKey()); Turtle t = getStateTurtle(entry.getValue()); i++; if (i == 1) continue; if (t.__location != null && !t.__location.equals(t._location)) { double x1 = t._location.x, y1 = t._location.y, x2 = t.__location.x, y2 = t.__location.y; double d = Math.hypot(x1 - x2, y1 - y2); e += d * 0.05; //System.out.printf("%f %f %f %f",x1,y1,x2,y2); if (t._isPenDown) { out.printf("G1 X%.4f Y%.4f E%.4f\n", screenX(x1) * 1.0 / width * 100, screenY(y1) * 1.0 / height * 100, e); } else { } } } out.println("G1 Z15"); out.println("M104 S0"); out.println("M140 S0"); out.close(); } } }