// Example monster code that draws Mike from Monster's Inc. // You may use this to start on the Jumping Monster assignment, // but you must create your own monster for submission! void setup( ) { size(500,500); background(230); noStroke( ); } void draw( ) { background(230); mike(0); } void mike(float amt) { fill(95,165,35); ellipse(200,300+amt, 100, 120); ellipse(200,320+amt, 110, 110); rect(180,370, 10,80); rect(210,370, 10,80); fill(230); ellipse(200,280+amt, 60, 50); rect(200,330+amt, 10, 10); rect(186,330+amt, 10, 10); fill(35,99,165); ellipse(200,280+amt, 27, 27); fill(0); ellipse(200, 280+amt,16,16); strokeWeight(4); stroke(230); noFill(); arc(200, 300+amt, 100, 60, HALF_PI-QUARTER_PI, HALF_PI+QUARTER_PI); noStroke( ); }