| CSE120 Computer Science Principles |
Computer Science Principles |
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Welcome to the home page for CSE120, Computer Science
Principles. Plan on visiting this page daily throughout the course; there will
usually be new information posted that is of use to you.
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Home computers are being called upon to
perform many new functions, including the consumption of homework formerly
eaten by the dog.
-- Doug Larson
04 January 2013: The classroom CHANGED to PACCAR 290.
02 January 2013: The "Precourse Survey" is posted; find the link on the Calendar page.
Announcement Archive At End of Page
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Teaching Staff
Larry Snyder, Instructor |
Larry is an
Emeritus Professor of Computer Science and Engineering. His research area is parallel computation. He chaired the NRC study
that developed the Fluency with Information Technology curriculum, and is on the Advisory Committee for the AP Computer
Science Principles effort. An avid traveler, he has lived in a half dozen foreign
countries, and visited many more. The photo at right was taken in a familiar foreign location ... find out where it is by visiting
his home page. |
Daphna Khen, Teaching Assistant |
I'm a 2nd year student majoring in Computer Science. I'm originally from Israel, but I've
lived in Washington since 2001. In my free time, I like to bake, read, and watch bad TV
with my roommates. I'm also a huge Trekkie, and am currently participating in two D&D
campaigns. |
Alana Ohno, Teaching Assistant |
Hi! I am currently a third-year majoring in computer science. I was born in CA,
moved to Tokyo, and came here for college. I love to draw and I love my stubborn
beagle. My goal this year is to finally get my driver's license. |
Jake Shoudy, Teaching Assistant |
I am a second year student majoring in computer engineering and physics. I grew up in
Silverdale/Bremerton area (just a downtown Seattle ferry ride away for those of you who are
not Washington geography experts) and have lived in Washington my entire life. I play soccer
and am an avid Seattle sports fan although the Mariners continue to lose despite my undying optimism. |
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Announcement Archive
28 November 2012: Check before coming to class --- the room may change.
27 November 2012: This page is under construction ... please return later.
No More Messages Follow: The End
| Contact: snyder at cs dot washington dot edu |