int x=0,y=0; void setup() { size(750,500); background(10); noStroke( ); } void draw() { //the moon fill(247,233,72); //the color of the moon smooth(); //turn on smoothing ellipse(90,100,100,100); //the moon //the house fill(72,132,247); //the color of the roof triangle(100,250, 150,320, 50,320); //the left part of the roof quad(100,250,230,250,280,320,150,320); //the right part of the roof fill(162,10,165); //the color of the wall rect(50,320, 100,120); //the left wall of the house rect(150,320,130,120); //the front wall of the house fill(234,94,12); //the color of the chimney rect(190,230,30,20); //the chimney fill(12,234,195); //the color of the door rect(230,380,30,60); //the door of the house fill(150); ellipse(230,220,20,20); ellipse(260,190,35,35); //the pine fill(9,124,9); //the color of the leaves triangle(550,70,630,190,470,190); //the upper part of the leaves triangle(550,190,700,350,400,350); //the lower part of the leaves fill(75,45,1); //the color of the trunk rect(500,350,100,100); //the trunk of the pine //the meteors fill(222,215,206); quad(200+x,50+y,205+x,55+y,200+x,60+y,195+x,55+y); quad(300+x,50+y,305+x,55+y,300+x,60+y,295+x,55+y); quad(400+x,50+y,405+x,55+y,400+x,60+y,395+x,55+y); x=x+1; y=y+1; }