void setup(){ //the canvas size and some additions size(700,500); background(75); strokeWeight(3); smooth(); frameRate(30); } void draw(){ fill(237,220,50); ellipse(mouseX,mouseY,150,150); //this makes the head fill(255); arc(mouseX-40, mouseY-10, 45, 60, PI, TWO_PI); //left eye arc(mouseX+20, mouseY-10, 45, 60, PI, TWO_PI); //right eye fill(0); ellipse(mouseX-31,mouseY-30,12,12); //left iris ellipse(mouseX+29,mouseY-30,12,12); //right iris fill(131,31,69); arc(mouseX-10,mouseY+10,85,100,0,PI); //mouth fill(240,169,196); arc(mouseX+3,mouseY+60,40,40,12*PI/12,7*PI/4); //arc for tongue fill(0); //fills for the lines on the eyes and mouth line(mouseX-62,mouseY-10,mouseX-18,mouseY-10); //line stroke under left eye line(mouseX-2,mouseY-10,mouseX+42,mouseY-10); //line stroke under right eye line(mouseX-63,mouseY+10,mouseX+32,mouseY+10); //line stroke over the mouth }