Errata For Fluency With Information Technology

The following significant bugs are known in the book. If you notice other errors, please send them to

Last Updated: Tuesday 28 September 1999

Chapters 9. There is no Chapter 9 and two chapter 10s; the first of which is chapter 9.

Figure Numbering -- The figures have inadvertently been "continuously numbered", but they are referred to in the text assuming the numbering restarts with each chapter. So, Figure 14, is the 14th of the book, but the 1st of Chapter 9, so it is referred to in the text as Figure 1 (of Chapter 9).

Dark Copies -- On some copies the figures are so dark that it is difficult to read the text. These figures are reproduced here:

Chapter 3, Figure 1

Chapter 3, Figure 5


Chapter 5, Figure 1


Chapter 9, Figure 1

Chapter 9, Figure 9 (#23)

Chapter 11, Figure 2 (#25)