Lab #3 Creating a basic HTML web page

(due Wednesday, 1/21, 11:59 PM)


Create a web page that describes how to do something. It can be about anything you wish like "How to eat an apple pie". It can be serious. It can be funny. It doesn't even have to be true.

Grading criteria:

Your page should include the following:

  • each type of tag covered in this lab (see list here)
  • a text link to another page
  • at least two images
  • an image link to another page (i.e. clicking the image goes to another page)
  • an e-mail link
  • a meaningful title (i.e., don't title it "Lab 3")
  • a bunch of text
  • link at the bottom of the page to your web page (see turn-in instructions below)

Remember the style rules: indent properly, use lowercase tags, nest tags properly, and always close tags.

Your page should be cohesive. That is, do not just throw all the tags together and type random text. The page should make some sense, even if it's a page titled "How to not make sense".

I suggest starting with a completely new file instead of taking the old practice files (obviously feel free to refer back to them). You should be able to create a file from scratch--a problem on the final will ask you to recreate a web page from a picture of the web page. You have a week to finish this task, so you have lots of time. Don't hesitate to contact us if you need help.


  1. Name your web page lab3submit.html
  2. Add a link (use a complete URL) at the bottom of your web page to your web page! Something like:
    <a href="">Link to this web page</a>
  3. This lets us find your web page online (in the first two labs, you sent us an e-mail with a URL, but we're no longer going to do submissions via e-mail).
  4. Upload your file (and, if applicable, any images files) to the Lab03 directory
  5. Go to your web page in a browser and verify that the link you added at the bottom of the web page works by clicking on it
  6. Submit your web page

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