Lab #10 Databases

(due Thursday, 3/12, 11:59 PM)

Create a database

Your first step will be to create a Microsoft Access database named Lab10.accdb.

1. Open Microsoft Access (it's generally in the Microsoft Office group in your list of programs):

Open Access

2. You should see the image shown below (if not, you are not using the latest version, Access 2007). Click on the New Blank Database icon:

Create a database

3. To the right side of the screen, you'll see the image shown below. Notice the default File Name Database1.accdb. Notice that the file extension is .accdb. Earlier versions of Access use the extension .mdb. Name your database Lab10.accdb and click on the Create button. A blank table will appear.

Name the database

Next, you will create a table in your database

Introduction | Create Database | Tables & Keys | Data Types | Link Tables | Basic Query | More Queries

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