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Project 3 Boat Club database

Creating your database


1. Create an Access database called BoatClub.accdb (or BoatClub.mdb)

to review how to create a database see lab 11


The purpose of the database is to keep track of information about each member (sailor), each boat, and each boat reservation.

2. To do this, create a table for each of these elements (the names, fields and data types are indicated below).

to review how to create a table see lab 11

to review how to change data types see lab 11




     sailorID (the Primary Key for this table - you can just rename the ID field that Access automatically generates) data type: AutoNumber

     sailorName data type: Text

     rating (from 1-beginner, through 10-expert) data type: Number

     age data type: Currency








     boatID (the Primary Key for this table) data type: AutoNumber

     boatName data type: Text

     color data type: Text







     reservationID (the primary key for this table) data type: AutoNumber

     reservationDate data type: Date/Time

     duration (in minutes) data type: Number

     boat (ID number for that boat - since this is a Primary Key in another table, it's called a Foreign Key in this table) data type: Number

     sailor (ID number for that sailor - also a Foreign Key) data type: Number


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