Lab 5—Your First JavaScripts

Part 2—Print array to screen using a for loop

In this script, you will simplify the body script using a for loop. During each loop, one book title will print to the screen.


  1. If arrays.html is not already open, open it in NotePad++.
  2. Save the file as arrays_for_loop.html.
  3. Change the title of your page to "Array Script with For Loop by " and your name; for example, "Array Script with For Loop by Joy."
  4. Change the body script, to read as follows:

    for (var i=0; i<books.length; i++)

  5. Save arrays_for_loop.html again.
  6. In Firefox, open arrays_for_loop.html. Do all seven books print to the screen? If not, use the Firefox Error Console to find and fix and errors.


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Syntax for For Loops

for (var i=0; i < arrayName.length; i++)
    //put repeating code here